7 Minutes Before

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“Okay,” Jeremy said, getting everyone’s attention. “All the boys, please place an object that belongs to you into the container.” He went around the room, holding a tupperware container, collecting watches, rings, necklaces, and keys.

Abby nudged me, “God, I hope I get Jeremy!” she exclaimed with her fingers crossed.

I sighed. Abby, Jessica, and Laura had told me this party was going to be clean. The moment we pulled in front of the house, I saw drunken guys stripping on the porch and some guys from the varsity basketball team walking in carry cases beer. Before I could jump out and sprint home, they dragged me out of the car and into craziness of the party.

“Mariya.” Laura snapped her blue nail painted fingers in front of my face. “Stop pouting. It’s very unattractive.”

I rolled my eyes, “I can’t believe you guys. You lied to me! You said this party was gonna be clean.”

“We know.” Jessica said, taking a sip from her red plastic cup.

Abby handed me a can of coca cola. “Will you relax? At least they have non-alcoholic drinks.”

I grabbed the can and opened it. Jeremy had collected the last of the things from the boys and was now placing his own item into the container. He came in front us (Abby specifically) and winked at her as he tossed them around with his hand. Abby grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him on his cheek. He winked again and walked away.

The whole room was filled with people that I either didn’t know or I just knew their names and status at school. Like for instance, I know Katy Becker is head cheerleader and that she’s going out with Lloyd Hillman, our school’s football captain. Helen Vent is a little nerdy but is on the soccer team. Connor Teller is captain of the debate and is our class’s new class president.

“So who do you think you’ll get?” Jessica asked me.

I tilted my head a little, “For what?”

She looked at Abby and Laura, then thought about it. After a while, she looked at Abby and Laura again, nodded, then spoke. “We’ll tell you, but you have to promise you won’t freak out.”

“Why would I-” I started.

“Promise!” They practically screamed at me.

I sighed. “Fine, I promise.”

“Okay” Laura said.

“Four words.” Abby said.

“Seven-” Jessica said.

“Minutes-” Laura said.

Wait. No. It couldn’t be.

“in-” Abby said.

God, no!

“HEAVEN!” Laura, Abby, and Jessica squealed.

I dropped my head into my hands. This couldn’t be happening.This can’t be happening. “I can’t believe this.” I groaned.

“Come on, Mariya.” Abby said.

“Have some fun.” Jessica said.

“Get crazy for once. You’ll never stay young forever.” Laura said.

I rolled my eyes. “Peer pressure is bad you guys.” I mumbled, taking a drink from my soda. “And I still can’t believe you guys are making me wear this.”

“Oh, stop will you?” Jessica scolded, “You look amazing.”

“I think we did a pretty good job her. Don’t you think?” Abby said to Laura.

“I think we did a pretty awesome job.” Laura flaunted.

“I don’t see what was wrong with what I was wearing before.” I stated.

“Honey,” Abby started, “there was nothing really wrong with what you were wearing-”

“It’s just that-” Laura continued.

“It wasn’t really party material.” Jessica finished.

“And this is?” I gestured to what I was wearing.

“That is.” Jessica conformed.

When they came to pick me up, I was wearing a red vintage v-neck shirt I bought a discount store, my favorite pair of jeans-which were flared at the bottom and well faded, a pair of worned grey converse i’ve had since last summer, my well worn green jacket I bought from a store in town, my old but sturdy brown satchel bag, a watch I’ve had since freshman year, one of my only necklaces (since I really wasn’t a jewelry person)-a gold heart locket my grandmother gave me for my thirteenth birthday, and a ring that I never take off.

They saw what I was wearing and shook their heads. I asked them what was wrong, but they just told me to get in. Once I buckled my seatbelt, Laura sped to her house and the three of them went completely extreme makeover on me. They made me change my clothes. They re-did my hair. They even put makeup on me (after ten minutes of me protesting).

I shifted, feeling weird in my new outfit. Jeremy stood in the middle of the room, and held up his hand to gain everyone’s attention. “Okay. I think you all know how this game works.” He said. “But if you don’t... It’s time for you crawl out from under your rock. The rules are pretty simple. Girls pick an item from the container. Whoever owns the item will step forward and the two will go into the guest bedroom and get it on for seven minutes. No more. No less.” He looked around the room. “Any questions? No. Good. Lets get started.”

He started to call out names of the girls that attended, and like he said, she picked an item out of the container, and the boy who owned the item walk forward, and two of them went into the guest bedroom for seven minutes. A lot of the couples that in were already dating. Guess they cheated to get one anther. Soon it was Abby’s turn, she went up and picked a black wrist watch. She looked at Jeremy and he winked at her. He gave the container to a guy I think was in my art class last year and the two of them walked into the other room. Seven minutes later, they walked out holding hands. He walked her to the couch we’re sitting on, she kissed him and he walked away.  He got the container back and called for the next girl. Me.

7 minutes in Heaven (Love Games #1)Where stories live. Discover now