7 Minutes to Get Closer

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After Mariya left, I walked around the mall, window shopping. Actually, I was just killing time until it was time to start heading to the park. When I dropped my phone off at Mariya house, it was insane.

It felt insane. Her mom let me in, and asked how I knew Mariya. I told the truth, leaving out the kissing. I got to meet Mr. Illkson... the mayor. He was intimidating. After taking the small rectangle box that held my phone, Mrs. Illkson started showing me old family pictures that was plastered on the wall that led to the kitchen.

A lot of them were pictures of when Mariya was a kid. A few of the pictures contained her playing with a boy. I assumed was her brother. They looked so much alike. Same hair. Same body features. The only difference was their eyes. In those pictures, they were making mud pies, playing doctor, dressed up as a prince and princess dancing, even playing wedding. I scoffed at that particular picture and shook my head a little. Kids.

Now, I was waiting at 'our' bench, looking at my watch. The longer hand ticking just pass the 6, indicating it was pass 5:30. I sighed and looked both ways beside me. In my generation, I would be panicking about getting my phone back. Instead, I was panicking about rather or not Mariya watched the video. Rather or not she hates me.

I heard some footsteps walking my way and I turned to see if it was her. It was. The wind blew her chocolate brown hair behind her. I felt my breath catch in my throat. She was wearing a white sweater with a blue heart on it, blue jeans, and a blue beanie. She stopped a step before me and sat down next to me, my eyes not leaving her.

"Is something wrong?" She said after a moment. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I blinked. Was I staring? "Um, nothing. You just look nice." I forced my eyes to focus on the trees across the path.

"Thanks." I heard her mumble. Pause. "Here's your phone." She held it out in front of me. I took it, making sure to let my fingers brush against hers. A tinkle snaked up my arm.

Neither of us spoke for a while. Just stared at nothing. Heard children playing on the playground not far from where we sat. The ice cream truck in the same spot it was last time. Suddenly, I got up and told Mariya to wait. I walked up to the ice cream truck. A man in his late thirties, took my order.

As I waited, I turned on my phone to see if my mom had me. The first thing I saw was my wallpaper. Changed. It was picture of Mariya holding up a sheet of paper that said, "I'm sorry. You were right." I turn to look at her. Only she wasn't there. I looked to the right of me. Then the left. I turn 360. She wasn't anywhere. My heart sank to my gut.

I ran back to the bench, forgetting about the ice cream. When I got there, there was a sheet of paper. "Sorry for leaving. Meet here. Tomorrow morning. 10:30. -M" My fingers brushed across her handwriting. M. My heart swelled as a smiled creeped on my face and relief flowed through my body. She wasn't mad at me.

I went home. Had dinner with my folks. Then went to bed. With the smile never leaving my face. Just at was about to turn off my bedside lamp, my mom appeared at my door. "Yeah mom?"

She quietly walked to my bed and sat down, with a look on her face that told me she was thinking. "I was just wondering if anything happened today. When you came home, you were smiling. Like when you were a kid. Before the accident."

7 minutes in Heaven (Love Games #1)Where stories live. Discover now