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*This is something I did for my Creative Writing class. The first part may be familiar just because it's basically in the story. The second part is something I wrote on my own. Everything is in Austin's point of view. Hope you like it!*


When Mariya left, it was just Bae and me. Bae kept trying to jump on me, so I ran my fingers through his white fur in hopes that it would calm him down. I've always wanted a white retriever. Ever since I watched Snow Puppies when I was 11.

I took Bae a few blocks away from the pet store, stopping a few times so kids could pet him. About ten pee stops and one poop stop later, I found a vendor selling ice cream. I order two, A chocolate one for me and a vanilla one for Bae. Ten minutes later, we were done with our ice cream and was back to walking.

"Woof!" Bae barked, getting my attention.

I crouched down to his level. "What is it, buddy?" He barked again, then dashed across the street, his leash slipping from my fingers. "Bae!" I shouted, running after him. "Bae, come back!"

I watched him run around people, me following after, shouting "Sorry!" from over my shoulder. He kept running, despite my pleas for him to stop. He ran through the park, down a street, around a corner, and down another street. He just kept running street after street until he finally stopped. In front of my house.

Tired and out of breathe, I grabbed his leash and plopped down on the green lawn. Through pants, I said, "How did you know I lived here, boy?" Bae answered with a bark.

"Austin?" I heard my dad yell from the porch steps.

I was too busy catching my breathe to answer him. A few seconds later, I was no longer looking at the blue sky. Instead I was looking at my father's face. With an amused smile, he offered his hand. I took it, getting back to my feet.

"What are you doing, son? Where did this dog come from?" Dad questioned, petting Bae. I saw his amused smile turn into a happy one.

"A girl named Mariya Illkson gave me this dog as a welcome gift. His name is Bae." Dad's happy face faded into a serious one. My dad took Bae's leash and walked him into the house. Then he called for my mother. Confused and feeling like I did something wrong, I asked him, "Is everything okay?"

He just looked at me and when mom appeared he nodded and said, "Everything is fine."

Mom looked at us and gasped when she saw Bae. "Where did this dog come from? I don't want paw prints everywhere." She looked at Dad for answers.

He simply said, "Mariya Illkson." Mom gasped again, but this time it was more happy.

Now even more confused, I asked them, "Why are you guys suddenly happy about hearing a person's name of whom you've never met before?"

Mom grabbed my shoulders, "But we have met her before. She's your best friend."

What? I don't have a best friend. I was a loner at my last school. The closest friend I've ever had was the janitor. "What are you talking about? I've never met Mariya before that party I went to a few days ago."

"Mariya Illkson is the girl you're in love with?" Mom asked. I feel her insides jumping with joy.

"Yes-I mean, no-I mean-I never said I was in love with her. I said I think I love her." I could feel my face turning red.

Mom nodded, "I also remember you saying that you felt like you knew her from before the accident. And I'm telling you, you did. Mariya was your best friend when you were a kid. You two did everything together."

7 minutes in Heaven (Love Games #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang