7 Minutes to Find Bae

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I held Austin’s gaze steadily, but my eyes started to wonder from his eyes to his lips. He must’ve noticed ‘cause he started to lead in. Closer, closer. Closing the gap between our lips.

Just when our lips barely brushed each other’s, Patty came in. “Well, here you go, Mariya. I think he’s-” Patty cut herself off, seeing how close me and Austin was. “Oh. Perhaps I should come back in a few minutes.”

“No, Patty.” I said, slipping away from Austin’s hold and suddenly feeling hollow. “That’s okay. We’ll take Bae now.” I took Bae’s leash from Patty and turned towards Austin. “Let’s go.” I held out Bae’s leash to him. He took it.

He guided Bae and made his way towards the door, “It was nice to meet you.” He said to Patty before passing her.

“Nice boy.” Patty said as we watched him go. “You know, he sorta reminds of this boy that lived here, years ago.”

My curiosity flicked in my mind. “What boy?” I asked her.

“Bae Austin Blake. If my memory serves correctly, the two of you were best friends. Practically inseparable. Your parents swore the two of you would end up marrying.” Patty’s voice started to fade to mute. My brain felt like someone opened it up with a crowbar.

My mind went back to the pictures hanging at home, of me and this boy who I played with as a kid. That little boy must’ve been Bae. But I still couldn’t understand how Bae and Austin could be the same. One thing was certain, I had to find out.

“Thanks Patty.” I said, “See you later.” I didn’t wait for a response. I just ran out of the store. Austin was playing with Bae, making him sit and do other tricks.

He turned to me with a smile that made my heart jump. “Hey, you ready to go?”

I needed to find out the truth. “Actually, my mom called and wants me home. But we can meet up later, okay?” I felt bad for lying to him, but I felt like I had to do this.

The smile on his face dropped. “Um, yeah. That’s cool. We can meet at 2, maybe?”

I smiled, “Two would be great. See you then.”

I started to turn away from him, “Wait, what do I with Bae?”

I turned back to face him. “Whatever you want. He’s yours.”

“What? You got him for me? Why?”

I shrugged, truth was, after I left yesterday, I came to see Patty about Bae. I still didn’t’ know why I thought Austin needed Bae. I just… did it without thinking about it. Bae has been at Patty’s for as long as I can remember. I guess I thought Bae needed Austin as much as he need Bae. “I thought Bae would be a nice welcome back gift.”

His smile returned, “Thanks, Mariya.”

“No worries. I’ll see you later, alright?”


I left him. When I was two blocks away, I sprinted home. Rushing to find if Austin was Bae Austin Blake. And if so, what happened that made him leave? I slowed down when I reach my drive-way. Opening the door, I ran inside and bumped into my father.

He grabbed my shoulders and held me in place. “Where are are off to in such a rush?”

I looked up at him. “Sorry, dad, but I need to talk to mom.”

7 minutes in Heaven (Love Games #1)Where stories live. Discover now