1: Sam

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"So you're sure, absolutely sure, no one else knows about this?"

The old dragonrider leaned into the side of his green dragon, slipped a hand inside his riding leathers, and scratched while he thought. 

"Be all over Corrangorach, if word was out," he said.

The wizard pursed his lips. "I've heard no rumour." 

"There you go then. Mason will tell you the same thing." The dragonrider thumped the ribs at his back. "We've told no one."

The wizard locked eyes with the dragon, knowing he had enough trouble keeping the fog from slipping back out to sea without adding the distraction of dragonspeech. Besides, should he open his mindpath, the dragon would see through his disguise — if it had not already done so. One never knew, for sure, not with dragons.

He wrenched his eyes free. 

Sighing, the wizard peered up at the skyline. A faint outline of the watchward poked above the ghostly ridge, its travl-ring glinting in the rising sun. His heart skipped.

Their meet must end.


He glanced down at his wizardly robe. With the black leather illusion bolstering his resolve, he reached through it, into his trouser pocket and took out a moneybag. 

"My people will take over from here," he said, tossing the bagged price of silence.

The dragonrider freed his hand and snatched the bag as it rebounded from his chest. After gauging the weight with a single heft, he shoved the coin inside his jacket. "Right then," he said, clambering upon his dragon. "A pleasure doing business with you, Master Wizard."

"Likewise," the wizard said.

The dragonrider cracked a grizzled grin and mocked a salute before slapping the green scales by his knee.

The dragon's hindquarters bunched. With a single thrust of powerful leg muscles, it launched. Clear of the ground, its leathery wings snapped open, spattering the wizard with dewy droplets.

Scowling, he muttered an oath as he watched the low-flying duo vanish in the thinning sea fog. He dried his face on his sleeve. He fisted his short beard into shape. His annoyance could not last.

Excitement buoyed his steps despite damp leaves slapping at him as he strode into the forest. He pushed through the undergrowth to the road. Once he reckoned himself out from under the scope of the watchward, the wizard banished his magicked robe. He let go of the fog.

Satisfaction filled him. It was about time all the coin he spent courting his coterie of dragonriders proved worthwhile. This new dragonspeaker held a huge reservoir of wild magic of no use to anyone but a wizard. He might as well make use of it before anyone else did.

A horse whinnied, close behind him.

He whirled about, eyes wide. He burst into loud laughter when he saw his hired mount tied to a tree. He had walked right by it.  He clapped a hand over his mouth, muffling his mirth, mindful of the nearby road. On reaching the brown horse, the knotted reins gave him pause.

Finally, with the reins untangled, he had a foot to the stirrup when he had second thoughts about taking to the road. Though his meeting had been hidden from the watchward by fog and folded hills, a lone rider on the edge of the wilderness would attract attention from the Watch.

In the forest, overhead foliage screened him from patrolling dragons. He led the horse, keeping a few trees between him and the road. His mind galloped ahead.

Dare he do this?

In the past, he had intercepted lesser dragon-touched but they had been young men destined for the Dragon Watch. He had trouble wrapping his head around the ramifications should he be caught stealing this one from the system. At best, he risked dismissal.

How could he not claim the girl?

Imagine never having to worry about running out of magic ever again.


1 & 8 March 2017 - revised kindle version; fixed typo

This was first presented with three scenes, and with that change, and being rewritten, many comments are out of whack.

Final Update: 11 May 2021 - synchronising Wattpad, Book Funnel and Kindle versions




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