53: The Wizard

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Letting his guiding flame fizzle out, the wizard turned to the gharl by his side.

"This is turning into an absolute nightmare," he said. "Did you see that, Fishnail? First, the Keeper is out, and then he is back in. I can't win. I may as well go home and let the bloody pirates deal with this mess.

"Fissssnal," growled the gharl.

"What?" The wizard blinked and the hair on the back of his neck twitched. "Ahh, Fishnal? Fisnal?"

The gharl nodded. The glow in his eyes subsided.

"Got it. Sorry."

"Trayhe hisss drayhon." Fisnal pointed at the moonlit dome. He flapped his arms.

"Trayhe hisss drayhon." Fisnal repeated the arm motions.

"By all the gods, man," the wizard shouted. "You have it. We will capture the dragon as soon as its fire dies, chain the beast, and chop bits off him until the Keeper hands over the sword and the girl. Excellent idea."

He clapped the surprised-looking gharl on the shoulder.

"We will be ready if they pull another stunt like that." He rubbed his hands together, whipped up a new flame, and sent it ahead five paces.

Fisnal grunted.

Soon, they had traversed the valley and reached the dome where the wizard ordered the gharl to set up camp while he studied the prisoners, a mere twenty strides away.

Even in the cloud-enshrouded moonlight, the disbelief on Langley's face was plain.

The wizard swivelled, his heart missing a beat when he found the gharl right at his back. "It's still your watch," he declared. "Wake me if anything happens."

He rolled into his blanket.

"Goodnight, Fisnal. Don't forget the fire."

The gharl groaned.

"And tell that dragon to shut up. I'm sleeping."

Fisnal muttered to himself.

The green dragon fell silent.

While Fisnal collected firewood, the wizard's yawning breaths transformed into snores.


30 March 2017 - replaced with revised scene



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