15: Hanrey

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Hanrey watched Taniel running across the cow paddock. As she hung over the gate gathering her breath, he stepped back from the window. He could tell by her excitement that she was watching dragons again. She could not get enough of them. That worried him.

He was right to worry, for he could plainly see that her wrist was still bare. How had it come off? Fingering his armring, he could not feel the mechanism, though he knew how it worked.

He had searched the tavern in all the places Taniel used, and some he doubted she'd ever been, almost invading her bedroom.

Her bracelet had to be in there.

Hanrey glanced out his door at the clock in the sitting room — no time now to speak to her about it.

After running both hands through his thinning hair, Hanrey reached for a fresh apron on the foot of his bed. He tied it behind him as he made his way to the common room. The noise levels promised a busy night.

As he reached the door of the common room, Taniel dashed in through the back door, skidding around the corner into the side passage. Her footsteps marked her progress to her bedroom.

She had not noticed him and, on seeing her intense expression, Hanrey worried that he was out of time in more ways than one. 

He should have told her, years ago. 

His hand trembled on the door as he braced himself against the need for drink to dull his rising panic.

If he hid her from prying wizards with his armring, he would be exposing himself to a scrutiny he had evaded for nigh on three decades.

Cissie had not hesitated in forgoing her needs to protect their daughter. Now, he faltered, fearful his gesture would be too late.

Besides, protection was useless, it seemed, if the path of prophecy could cause magical bracelets to simply vanish.

"Hanrey, are you alright?" Erin asked.

Startled, the taverner grunted. "Aye, lass."

Sighing, he held the door open for Erin and followed her into the common room.

Later, he promised himself. 

He would decide the best thing to do — later.


Thanks for reading!

7 July 2021 - a few words changed here and there while synchronising versions I have between Wattpad, Bookfunnel and Kindle and my master file.

9 March 2017 - replaced with revised scene



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