107: Hanrey

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Camped by the roadside, partway to Ferryton, Hanrey tried to sleep. He needed rest, if only to give his mind respite. His newly acquired warrior magic fortified his body but did not improve his thinking. Earlier, flush with his renovated blood, he had laughed at how easy it would be to free Taniel from the citadel.

Now, he had doubts.

The moon was not yet above the trees. He grabbed a handful of nuts from his travel rations and listened to the night.

Hanrey stopped munching. Apart from a slight breeze rustling the leaves above him and Jess, restless in her hobbles, there was no sound.

The night was too quiet. He checked his arms. All his protection was in place. He sprung to his feet, listening hard.

Jess snorted.

"Not the bloody dragons again, girl," he said, rushing to her head. With Jess quivering under his hands, Hanrey scanned what he could see of the night sky. Naught but stars.

Nevertheless, experience taught him that the mare was always right. He removed the hobbles and Jess needed little urging to slink into deeper cover. She groaned when they heard the dragons coming.

Hanrey's heart almost stilled when a huge black shape, flying low, appeared from the south. As it wheeled overhead, he saw it bore a Clade rider. There was no mistaking the delicate blue aura surrounding wizard and beast.

Had they sensed the ceremony? He had been stupid to enact the magic rite outdoors without a surrounding field of protection.

An icy chill prickled his neck. Did they think Taniel was with him? They must have sensed his Keeper magic while his arms were bare. The sword could not bring them. He cursed himself for all kinds of a fool for leaving Skerby.

He had one advantage, he thought, as he placed his big hand over the muzzle of the wild-eyed mare – he knew Taniel was not with him. But, where was his daughter?

He dared not ask the sword.

"Sorry, Jess," he whispered. "We are going home."


9 April 2017 - a new scene to fit within revised timeline

Taniel (The Taverner's Daughter I)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin