5: Taniel

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I guessed it was well past noon. I'd already eaten the snacks I'd brought with me. Castle girls had doled out water throughout the morning. A mere handful of youths stood between the Seneschal and me.

Earlier, a young green dragon had dropped into the forecourt and crouched near the hiring table. It stared at me. The dragonrider spoke to the seneschal. I held my breath. 

The boy behind me was the one called, not me. The fortunate new dragonrider signed his training papers and, punching the air, he raced to the watchward with his shining future in his fist. 

Jealousy narrowed my eyes and bit my lip.

The dragon looked at me one last time before taking to the air. It dropped out of sight behind the high wall and I supposed it flew down to the dragonhold.

We moved another pace forward. They were still hiring, it seemed. I might not miss getting into service.

"Taniel Bartle."

The loud voicing of my name startled me. I shrank against the back of the boy in front of me.

"Taniel Bartle. Step out of the line."

I peered around the boy's shoulder.

Seneschal Bister beckoned. As I obeyed his command, he turned away to speak to the man standing at his side.

I gasped.

Father somehow looked different without his apron. He must have arrived while I watched the dragon. 

He stared at me, arms crossed, feet apart. A scowl marred his usually good-natured face. His visage did not soften whilst telling the Seneschal of my betrothal. Coin probably crossed palms as they shook hands. Coin solved most problems.

Father stalked around the table. Curious eyes marked me. 

My cheeks warmed and I reminded myself I was a grown woman. I could make own decisions, surely. I had difficulty holding my ground. The closer he got, the more flight seemed the best option. Before I could make my feet move, Father was by my side, taking my arm, and leaning down to my ear.

"C'mon lass, you've got some explaining to do," he said in his growly voice. 

I shrugged off his hand.

I fled from the castle, out through the double gates. The guards did not try to stop me. 

On my way down the hill, my anger shook me so much that it was hard dodging around the slow-moving groups of people and carts struggling up the steep slope. I wanted to knock something over.

Breathless, I reached the gate at the corner of the tavern. I paused, knowing I needed time to calm down before I could trust myself to speak sensibly of my intentions. I needed to gather my thoughts somewhere, anywhere. It hardly mattered where, as long as it was not in my room where confrontation would come before I had decent reasons ready. My mind whirled.

I shut the gate behind me and hurried down the side path.

What reasons could I give for wanting to get away? Somehow, suddenly showering scorn on my banal life seemed ridiculously childish. If only I had been employed by the dragonhold. Nothing would have prevented two years servitude with the dragons — not Father, and certainly not Peter.

I had lost two years of freedom.

Again, as if my thought had magicked him, my unbetrothed popped out of the kitchen door, right into my path. Peter caught me about the waist. 

My momentum swung us around until my face pressed against the sandstone wall. He smelled of warm beer. I pushed off the building and tried to twist free but he bettered his hold. 

Once, such closeness would have sent my pulse fluttering. Now, it only deepened my anger. I tried stamping on his feet.

Peter laughed and lifted me from the ground. "So, my lovely, Hanrey arrived in time, then."

"Aye, I did," Father said from the gate.

My rude retort to Peter died on my lips.

"Put her down Pete. She's not going anywhere." Father rubbed his mouth with his hand, his blue eyes piercing me. "Taniel, lass, get to your tasks," he said.

I nodded. My rebellion fell away as the extent of his rage rammed home. I skulked toward the back of the tavern. At the corner, I glanced back. 

Father flicked his fingers in a shooing motion before stepping through the kitchen doorway.

Peter grinned at me. He followed Father inside, like a faithful hound.

My fists clenched.

I couldn't stand the look of him.

Thanks for reading!

(Originally, this part  was included as part of Taniel's next scene)

20 May 2021: Final update, synchronising Wattpad, Book Funnel and Kindle versions.



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