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Ehtesham's POV:

After a few rounds of wrestling and tickling, Taha finally went to sleep on top of me and after five or six minutes, he starts to pull my earlobe in his sleep. It is quite bothersome and I keep putting his hand to him but sooner or later his hand find his way back to my ear.

Tch... I don't understand how Fiza keep up with this...

He got this habit since he starts to cling to Fiza. Her earrings fascinated him for some reason and he won't hesitate to touch it or sometimes pull it. I have seen him pulling her earrings many times and now I realize how much pain she felt. Speaking of Fiza, I don't understand why she is so repulsive. I thought girls always give in, once they get married. Getting angry is another thing but they don't avoid physical contacts.

So what is her problem?

Does she keep distance because she likes someone?

I quickly try to suspend the thought but couldn't do it and I don't like the itchy feeling it gives me. She can't like someone. I mean... this is impossible. How can she like someone, when she is married to me?

Like you can...

My subconscious snapped at me. But I am not deceiving her. She knows everything about me, yet I don't know anything. Where she goes, whom she meets, who are her friends. Hell, I don't ever pay attention to her family boys.

I frown on realizing it, but I was dragged out of my thought when Taha starts pulling my earlobe again. I sighed and lay him beside me, so he couldn't reach again.

"Taha, will you and Sadaf tell me if I ask you about your Bari Ami?" I say looking at him and tucked into the blanket.


Fiza's POV:

"Hello, Assalam o Alaikum." I say receiving the call. Knowing very well who would be on the other side.

"Wallaikum Assalam. How are you?" Sheharyar asks in his usual polite way. He daily calls on landline phone this time to talk to kids. He never calls on the cell phone of mine or Ehtesham's. It is very thoughtful of him.

"Alhamdulillah I am fine and you?"

"Alhamdulillah. Where are kids?" And he never talks more than needed. "Taha is watching TV and Sadaf is sleeping. She has a slight fever."

"Oh! Did you give her medicine?" He sounded concerned.

"No, I don't want to give anything without doctor's consult. So, I'll be taking her to the doctor once she wakes up."

"Should I take you?"

"It's okay, I can go with the driver."

"I don't think you will be able to handle her alone. She is afraid of doctors and besides, you don't know about their doctor too. I will come in twenty minutes to pick you guys, okay. Allah Hafiz." He says and hung up.

Ary! I looked at the receiver in my hand and put it down. I don't like the idea of going with him but on the second thought, he could be helpful if she is really afraid of doctors. I never saw kids getting sick and don't know how to handle them if they get scared. Plus that idiot husband of mine switched off his phone for some reason. I left a message on his office reception but he didn't call back.

Why that guy disappears in need...?


Both me and Taha looking at Shaharyar, while he struggles to get a hold of crying Sadaf. Taha clench my sleeves tight when Sheharyar threatened Sadaf that he will ask the doctor to admit her in the hospital if she doesn't behave herself. Well, his trick works out and she stops crying instantly and glance at me with hopeful, teary eyes that I would save her from going to doctor. I quickly looked away and Sheharyar takes her into the clinic.

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