Chapter # 27

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Not edited.

Fiza's POV:

In a state of utter shock, I stared at the person sitting before me with a heavy heart and teary eyes. The silence in the room screams to break it, but both avoid doing it. There are moments in life where we find words insufficient to convey our thoughts, I am currently in that state.

Ehtesham's parents came to meet me as Chachu said yesterday, but what I wasn't expecting was that Ehtesham will also accompany them. He said he wanted to talk to me, and everyone encourages it. Perhaps thinking that it helps to clear the misunderstandings. But the only misunderstanding that was cleared after our small talk is that, I was a fool who thought that I could make a place in his heart, I am failed as a wife and as a woman. Because the person sitting before me clearly said that, he couldn't see me as his wife even after all these months. He said that he will never betray Sania.

So, where do I stand now???

This question started dancing in my mind and I couldn't help myself from thinking about slapping him so hard that he would remember it for the rest of his life. But I won't do it, my anger, my anguish is far more than this. I really want to grab this man's collar and ask him, why he destroyed my life, who gave him the right to do it, what I have ever done to him to deserve this. But I won't do it, there is no use.

"So, what do you want from me?" I said keeping my voice steady.

"Nothing,... Fiza, I don't want anything from you, nor do kids do anymore. You have already given too much to my family." He said making eye contact.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'nor kids do any more'." My eyes widened from an unknown fear.

"No one told you? Sheheryar took their custody, and they will be living with him from now on."

"What?" My voice came out in a whisper.

"It was Papa's decision, I couldn't do anything about it." He said with a sigh and continue, "Listen Fiza. You-"

I quickly raised my hand and stopped him from saying anything further. "Please no more explanation to justify yourself. I have listened enough, you can leave now." I said quite rudely. Ehtesham sat there staring at me with surprised face but I didn't apologize to him. Few more minutes passed like this and when he silently stood up to leave, I feel like something broke inside me.

"Wait!" A cry escaped from my mouth.


I shut my eyes tight and opened them again, "Do a favour Ehtesham... Free me."

"Look Fiza, I don't-" He said with a startled look.

"You never loved me, you never even liked me and now there is no point left for dragging this drama, so...let's end it, okay." My tears start flowing on their own.

"You don't have to be emotional and go to this extreme."

"I don't want to see your face again Mr Ehtesham Ghori." I said bluntly, "You can send the paper after signing them and I hope this will be our last meeting Allah Hafiz." I said and run to the bathroom. I open the tap and my cries couldn't be heard from the other side.

Don't know how long, someone starts banging the bathroom door and I heard Sumbul's voice, saying to come outside. But I completely ignored it, the voices stopped for a minute and next came Nuwair's voice, demanding to open the door.

"Fiza, open the door or I swear I will break it." His threat made me open the door and as soon as I stepped into the room, two arms circled around me and pull me into a warm embrace.

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