Chapter nineteen: Just Friends

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          “Either you have a new boyfriend or you kiss all your guys friends like that.” He said. I chuckled nervously and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass from the cabinet, and ran it under the faucet and gulped down the cold water. I turned around and saw Brian leaning against the marble counter with his arms crossed.

          “So is that a new boyfriend?” He asked.


          “He looked a bit older. Is her a college boy?”

“Um yeah?” I said more as a question than an answer. I heard feet being panther down the stairs. Shortly after, I heard my mom’s voice.

          “Brian, we have a conference at Charlotte’s school with Mr.-” She stopped talking as she entered the kitchen and saw me there.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were home.”

          “Yeah, I just got in. What about a conference at school?” I asked quickly.

“Your principal thought it would be a good idea to have a sit down with Mrs. Green and Mr. Benzoli.”

          “Why those two teachers?” I quickly asked.

“They’re your worst and best subject. It’s tomorrow after school in your homeroom.”

          I huffed and walked up to my messy room and plopped on my bed. I heard my phone vibrate. I dug it out of my pocket. I looked at the lite up screen on my black iPhone 5, and saw it was Harry calling. I pressed the ignore button and threw my phone beside me. I buried my face in my pillow and let out a sigh knowing tomorrow would be very awkward.

          I woke up the next morning feeling very scared. I had no idea what lies ahead of my today. I quickly got ready as I noticed I was running a bit late. I threw on a nice white sundress with white flats. I wore my hair in its natural curls, and applied natural make up. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. I noticed my parents were downstairs. I heard my mom call me into the kitchen. I walked in and threw my bag on the island.

          “Honey, you look nice today.” My mom smiled.

“Trying to impress your boyfriend I see.” Brian butted in.

          “Boyfriend? I need to meet him!” My mom said seriously.

          “I’m sure you’ll meet him soon.” I grabbed my bag from the counter and left the house before they could say another word.

          I started walking as I saw Harry walk out of his house. He caught up to me as I tried to walk faster attempting to avoid him. Unfortunately, he caught up with me.

          “Hey.” He said.

“Hi.” I mumbled trying to keep a distance.

          “I called you last night. Were you sleeping?”

“Mhmm, sorry.” I lied.

          “Well I wanted to talk to you about prom.” I felt like I stopped breathing. I seriously didn’t want Harry to ruin our friendship over a stupid crush. I decided to play dumb about the whole situation.

“What about prom?”

          “Its next week and I was wondering if you wanted to go… with me?” He asked very quickly. He seemed so nervous. His cheeks flushed red and he was chewing on his bottom lip.

“Yeah, sure. Just as friends though, right?” I pretend to joke even though I was dead serious.

          “Of course.” He smiled. He threw his muscular arm around my shoulder grinning. I put my arm at the small of his back lightly trying to be as friendly as possible.

          After a very awkward walk to school, I made my way to homeroom. I sat down impatiently as I anticipated for the bell to ring. It finally did. Everyone rushed out to get to class as I slowly waited for everyone to exit. I got up and closed and locked the door when everyone was gone. When the room was vacant with only Joe and I in there, I began to speak.

          “Joe my mom and Brian have a conference tonight with you!” I blurted out loudly. He sighed and sat up from his desk and walked toward me.

“Yes, I know. The principal told me this morning.” He sighed.

          “Okay so don’t flirt, keep your answers short and simple and make it seem like you and I never- you know.” I rambled on.

“I know Charlie, I know. Look, get to class. I’ll see you at ninth period.”

          “Okay, but can you write me a late slip?” I asked a bit embarrassed.

“Anything for you.” he smiled genuinely and pecked me lips.

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