Chapter twenty: conference

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          Ninth period unfortunately came early. The whole time during class, I was completely nervous. I was scared one of us would slip or say something to give away our relationship and that wouldn’t be good on either Joe’s or my part. I started clicking my pen and taping my foot loudly because my nerves were getting the best of me.

          “Charlie! Charlie!” Joe shouted. I jumped a bit being startled.

“Yeah? Yes?” I corrected myself.

          “Are you okay?” he asked. I looked around and noticed the whole class was staring in my direction.

“Mhmm.” I nodded quickly.

          “Alright.” He said unsure and continued teaching class.

          I watched as the clock above the door ticked very quickly. My nerves were getting the best of me. I attempted to take my mind off of everything by looking out the window, but that was a bad idea. I saw my mom and Brian walking toward the building. As soon as I saw Brian, it reminded that he might have seen Joe’s face in the car a few days back. I really started panicking now. Many thoughts started to swim through my head; especially thoughts of Joe and I getting caught. I could possibly get expelled and Joe could go to jail. The bell suddenly rang as I jumped. Nerves were getting the best of me. I felt my hands shake as I saw my classmates scramble out the door leaving only Joe and I here. He walked away from the board and arranged three desks on one side and two the other side and one desk next to both sides which I assumed would be mine. Joe shortly walked over to me with a concern look on his face.

          Don’t worry, love. Everything will go fine.” He assured me. I slightly nodded. Both of our heads shot to the door as we heard it open. In walked, Mrs. Aveen, wearing burgundy pencil skirt and blazer with her hair pinned up in a bun as always. My mom and Brian followed in afterwards. Joe rushed over to my parents and greeted them politely. My mom and Brian sat down next to each other. Joe and Mrs. Aveen sat next to each other with an empty desk next to Mrs. Aveen leaving me to sit in the center desk.

          “Where’s Mrs. Green?” I asked.

“She unfortunately has to leave early because she wasn’t feeling well, but the meeting must go on. Anyway, Charlotte seems to be doing great in Joe- I mean Mr. Benzoli’s class, but poorly in everything else. We don’t really see the reason. I mean Mr. Benzoli is a great teacher but the other faculty is great also.” Mrs. Aveen explained to my parents.

          “I personally don’t think she’s trying hard enough except for Mr. Benzoli’s class.” My mom said. My cheeks flushed out of embarrassment.

“Mom, I’m trying. It’s just hard to handle everything at once.” I explained.

          “Well Mr. Benzoli, is there anything special that you do to teach the students because you seem to not have no student failing.” Mrs. Aveen chuckled.

“Maybe it’s because he’s so young.” My mom gushed.

          “No, no. I don’t do anything different from the other faculty. I give notes, give them homework, and essays like every other teacher. It’s history so it probably keeps their attentions a bit more with the different stories.” He kept it simple with his answer.

“How’s Charlotte doing in your class?” Brian asked looking at Joe intently making him and I nervous.

          “Uh, Charlie’s doing amazing. She’s one of my best students.” He smiled. I bit my lip trying to hold back a grin.

“Charlotte, do you mind if we talk about what’s been going on in your personal life?” Mrs. Aveen asked.

          “Actually, yes I do. A lot went on and I don’t need to talk about it.” I admitted.

“Well Charlotte, we need some answers. You won’t tell us anything so we thought talking to your closest teachers would be best.” My mom smiled. I looked at Joe confused and he looked just as puzzled as me.

          “What do you want to know?” I sighed.

“Who you ex-boyfriend is? Where you went the night we told you about your father? I just feel like this ex of yours is the cause of all of this!” She exclaimed. I glanced over at Joe. He looked hurt by her statement. He had his hands folded while fidgeting with his thumbs. I turned my attention back to my mom.

          “He has nothing to do with how I’m behaving. If anything, he helped me get through this.” I spilled out.

“What about that guy that dropped you off a few days back. Was that his?” Brian asked.

          “Yeah.” I spoke quietly.

“Why don’t you introduce us? He must not love you if he doesn’t want to meet us.” Brian said. I got infuriated.

          “Don’t ever say that about him! He took care of me. He was there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on, a bed to sleep in, or even just a hug. He was there for me especially when my ‘parents’ lied to me! And that’s one thing he’s never done was lie to me. So don’t ever say he doesn’t love me, because I know he does!” I yelled.

          Brian looked talked back as I saw my mom’s hand on her chest as if she was about to cry. Mrs. Aveen looked totally shocked confused and even uncomfortable while Joe just looked shocked.

“I think this conference is over.” I said a bit more calmly but still angry as hell and walked out of the now quiet classroom.

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