Chapter 10: A Trickster's Game

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Chapter 10: A Trickster's Game

Lucy finally recovered well enough to survive the rest of the ball, but eventually she and Beatrice managed to leave. The ball itself was winding down, and the hour was late. People were trickling out of the house at a leisurely pace, as though they had not a care in the world.

Beatrice suggested they say their goodbyes to James, but Lucy craftily got out of it by saying that she had to go bid goodnight to some of the friends she had met while dancing. So she snuck off back into the ballroom, which was now emptying, and immediately saw Ross standing under one of the arches. He caught her eye and quickly hurried to her, but she was frozen to her spot, glancing around the room frantically in fear that James would be there as well.

"You're leaving?" He asked. When she nodded, he sighed. "How are you?"

"Fine," she replied, though her voice cracked. "Thank you for comforting me, Ross. You're a good man. I just wanted to say goodnight before running off, it's the least I could do."

"At least let me escort you home."

"No!" Lucy winced and cleared her throat. "Apologies, sorry. I am tired, and our carriage is waiting outside. I should go."

But before she could turn to walk away, Ross quickly spoke up. "Will I see you again?"

Lucy paused and looked up at him with a thoughtful frown. Would that be wise? People would talk, wouldn't they? One day Lucy Quincy is about the market with James Boatwright and the other she was seen with the fresh-faced Captain Ross Beauchamp? She wasn't the conventional sort by any means, but avoiding rumors was still a craft she had worked hard to master.

Even so, the thought of not seeing Ross again made her insides churn. Perhaps if it was somewhere they wouldn't be found...


"There's a grove some ways outside of the market," she finally said. "It's remote enough, and peaceful. I can assume it will look beautiful now, with the autumn season. I like to read there sometimes, or I used to."

He looked confused. "What does that mean?"

"If you were to happen by there around midday tomorrow," Lucy clarified, "I would possibly be there," and then she turned back towards the doors leading to the foyer and sighed. "I need to go now," she turned back to Ross. "Goodnight, captain."

Ross reached forward and took Lucy's hand, brushing his lips across the back of it. "Until tomorrow, Lucy Quincy."

Lucy smiled and nodded. "Until tomorrow."

With that, she curtsied and turned to quickly walk away, not once stopping to look back.


James stumbled into the empty ball room not long after Lucy had departed, glancing around with a confused frown. Ross watched his friend for a minute before stepping forward to speak with him.

"How is your father?"

James blinked blearily up at Ross. "What?"

"Your father," Ross said again. "How is he?"

James said nothing.

"You did excuse yourself to see him, did you not?"

"What does it matter to you?" James growled. Ross noticed the man's watery eyes.

"I think, old friend, that you've had too much of the wine."

"Oh, you think that, do you?" James laughed, shaking his head. "Always the observant man you are, Ross. Captain Ross."

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