Chapter 34: Unbearable Loyalties

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Chapter 34: Unbearable Loyalties

Ross and Lucy managed to sneak away to spend time alone for a few hours in the cottage. Lucy quickly realized that such a retreat was something she actually needed. Though she had not experienced the dramatics of the ball to their full extent, Captain Rutherford's actions against her brother did shock her all the same. It had angered her on levels she didn't even know she had. She had felt defensive, as though she had to protect John, who did not know what society was like.

"You're tense," Ross said, stroking her back. "I hope that's not my doing."

Lucy chuckled and lifted her head from his chest. "Not at all, my love," she kissed him and stroked his face. "I'm just worried is all."

"About what?"

"John, of course," Lucy said. "I haven't spoken to him since the ball and he has not reached out to me. On top of everything, I cannot stay gone for long, you now that. I have my mother and sister back in London to consider."

Ross nodded understandingly. "Naturally, they would be worried. I'd be a fool to tell you to stay."

"Would you come with me if I went home?" She asked him.

"I'd go with you anywhere, Lucy, you know that, but I promised my mother not to leave unless given a proper reason to," he rolled over and looked down at her with nothing but warmth in his eyes. "I think you're enough of a reason to go, but she may not."

Lucy sighed and ran a hand over her face. "Bloody loyalties."

"I could give her a good reason," Ross stroked her arm and kissed her forehead. "But you may not like it."

"I have a feeling I know what you're on about," Lucy muttered.

It was no secret on the island now that Ross was courting Lucy. Everyone had seen them dance together at the ball, and refuse to entertain anyone else. That and Ross had made it his mission to make sure everyone knew that he was courting her, and so far he was succeeding.

"I know how you feel about marriage, Lucy," Ross said. "But that is the only way I can think of how I can keep my promise to my mother. If we're married and I go with you to London, then I will not be lying to her, and you can see your family again. If not, then I can't justify leaving..."

"And then you can't come with me," Lucy whispered. "Then I'll leave, and we may never see each other again. I couldn't bear that, Ross. I can't be parted from you."

"Nor I you," Ross assured her.

Lucy pulled him closer to her. "Damn you for being so logical, Ross Beauchamp."

"Logical? Me? Don't be silly," he grinned. "I just want to make sure we come to a decision that suits both of us. If marriage is still something you do not feel ready to embark on, then we will think of something else."

Lucy sat up and ran a hand over her hair. "Say I was to go to London and meet my mother and sister."


"Let me finish," she turned back to him. "I'll go to London, meet my mother and sister, let them know I'm alright..." Then she smiled, "And tell them of my engagement to a very well to do and handsome captain."

Ross's face brightened up at that. "You aren't saying..."

"I love you, Ross," Lucy leaned back down to kiss him. "I love everything about you, and if I am to confine myself to the shackles of holy matrimony, it will only be with you, and no one else."

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