Chapter 32: The Gentleman's Manifesto

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Chapter 32: The Gentleman's Manifesto

Bertha Denning met Sebastian Lucas at her former meeting spot with James, her father's old shed near the creek. She did not intend for this to be a long outing, but there was much she had to say.

"The Magistrate is no fool," she said, keeping her voice low and actively looking around to make sure they were alone. "He's been watching me rather closely since you proposed to Elizabeth. I don't think he is entirely on my case at the moment, but I would not be surprised if he started scrutinizing more."

Sebastian nodded slowly. "I've made my feelings clear for Elizabeth, but I'll try and make a show of it more. Who knows?" He grinned wickedly. "She might just fall in love with me."

"If you're a man of good fortune and reputation, it won't take long for her to do just that," Bertha reminded him. "James told me you're of the same class as he. Is Elizabeth aware of this?"

"She should be."

"Make sure she is," Bertha urged him. "Make sure the Magistrate has no suspicions of the ulterior motive of your proposal because, trust me, he will start getting close. He already has, he knows half the story."

"I am more than capable of ensuring my genuine feelings for Elizabeth Donaldson," Sebastian assured her. "But what I want to know that James did not tell me is why you did this in the first place?"


"Why did you give Lucy Quincy that note? Why start this spectacle at all? If you had not, she would still be here, and she could fend for herself instead of James going and chasing after her like a lovelorn child."

Bertha clenched her fists. "I wanted vengeance against Abigail Quincy for what she did to my brother, sir, and since Abigail was not here to take the punishment, I used Lucy instead."

"But, from what James told me, Lucy is the daughter of Abigail Quincy and your brother, is she not?"

"Yes, what of it?"

"That makes her your niece, doesn't it?" Sebastian said. "And, likely, the only family you have left."

Bertha laughed. "I don't give a damn what she is to me. My part to play in her family's downfall is done. Now if James wants my help in rectifying his mistake, then as long as he pays up, I am more than willing to assist."

"Even going as far as putting your neck on the line and defying the Magistrate?"

"I won't get caught," Bertha said simply. "I am not my brother, Mr. Lucas."

"I can see that," he glanced down quickly at her breasts before looking at her face, his expression clearly un-amused. "But that's not what I meant. Is what James promised you worth your freedom?"

"I will have my freedom with what he promised."

"But you don't have it now, do you?"

"Do your part, Mr. Lucas, and I will do mine," Bertha stepped back. "I warned you about the Magistrate, now go woo his daughter."

"Already done," Sebastian bowed. "But I'll work my charms even more."

"Do that," Bertha turned to walk away. "Hopefully this won't have to end in a larger crime if we play our cards right."

But, if it does, I know exactly who to blame.


Belmoran Island

John stood there, still struck from Captain Rutherford's revelation. It was clear he had worked everything out and arrived at that conclusion, but now John had to find a way to clean up the mess he left with Eliza, who was still standing there, shocked.

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