Chapter 31: Gowns of Red and Rose Gold

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Chapter 31: Gowns of Red and Rose Gold

After what seemed like years of travel packed into two, drawn out days and nights, James finally found himself aboard The Albatross, a merchant vessel headed straight for Belmoran, under the ownership of the head captain, one Gregory Rutherford. The man himself was not here, but a captain under his employ, Richard Sutherland, was. James knew Sutherland during his business affairs abroad, and it was well enough to trust him.

"Still wa'ers, shouldn' be long," Captain Sutherland assured James. "T'would be well to assume arrival in Belmoran before the week is ou', sir."

"Not to be an ungrateful guest, but I paid you for a fast voyage," James replied stiffly. "As it is, my business is of great importance."

"Of course, wouldn' 'spect any differen'," the captain bowed and turned to walk up the gangway to the ship to oversee the rest of the preparations.

James didn't hesitate to follow, his mind intent on his mission. He was going to find Lucy and bring her home, even if he had to force her to do it, even if he had to fight Ross or any other man to his last breath to see it through. He had found it in himself to continue loving her even after finding out the truth. For that, he deserved her returned affections.

Why should she refuse him at all? He was a man of means who loved her. Such things did not often come for women of her age. She was being handed a miracle and would be a fool to refuse him. James knew that to be a fact, so he held onto it, as well as his undying love for her. That would keep him going if nothing else would. With Lucy by his side, James would find a way to end Magistrate Donaldson's agenda to ruin her. Then they would marry, and she would remember why they were meant to be, and that running from his love was futile.

Now he just had to hope that none of this was a foolish fantasy.

The ship was sizeable, but not large enough to suit James's tastes. Still, he would have to live with it for a few days, wouldn't he? He didn't have much of a choice. He used to relish the idea of sea travel, thinking it a rather handsome fantasy. A man, out at sea, with nothing but the horizon to stop him from reaching the ends of the world. Storms that the Gods even shook to witness, and the rather mystical beauty of the stars twinkling through the sails. He used to think it all fine and good.

Now, it was a hindrance, keeping him from his love longer than necessary.

It seemed as though the world was trying to tear him and Lucy apart, but that only served to make their bond stronger. The greatest loves were built of struggle and strife. Understanding came afterwards, after the strife was over and the war was won.

But first, James had to weather this voyage. He had to see it through, on this ragged excuse of a ship, for her, the woman he loved. And she would love him more for it, he knew it.

She would love him more than ever for this. He just knew it. Everything else would fall as it did.


Belmoran Island

Lucy didn't know much of the Bransons, other than that they threw the finest balls on the island. Eliza gushed on about it without stopping as they were helped into their gowns, but Lucy only heard half of it. In her mind, she was ecstatic about other things, for she had seen great balls before. She was mainly excited for Ross to see her in her ruby red gown. It was a simple thing, like she preferred, but elegant nonetheless.

God, she felt so foolish, acting giddy over the thought of a man seeing her all trussed up like a porcelain doll. He was the first she wanted to impress in this way, the first she loved to the point of wanting to make him proud, hoping that he as well made her proud. And with the weight of her secret finally lifted, she felt as though her future was wide open, ready for her to reach for it.

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