Chapter 1- The Meeting

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Hey people checking out my first book! I just wanted to let you all know that I wrote the beginning of this book a while ago and I understand that it is not the best writing. Though I do want you to know that I hope people think it gets better as the story goes on. I also realize that there is quite a few spelling errors, believe me it drives me crazy too, I'm slowly trying to reread through the chapters to fix them up. I also try and update as quick as possible so people don't loose interest in the book. Thank you for understanding and I hope you continue to read it :)

Chapter 1

I look myself over in the mirror once again, my white blouse and light blue jeans match good with my light blonde hair. The apartment is so quiet it doesn't feel right. Nothing is playing in the background like it normally is, but Shanelle stayed over at her boyfriend Blake's house yesterday. So there's the reason to the dead silence that is filling the house.

I grab my keys and purse before slipping on my flats. Locking the door and jogging down the stairs to the underground parking, I get in the car turning up my music before driving off.

As I stop at the light I pull my mirror down to look at my makeup once again making sure I don't look terribly bad. The bit of mascara I put on highlights my green eyes, making them bigger. As I focus back on the road the light turns green and I speed off, singing to Heart Attack, by Demi Lovato.

As I pull up to a big brown house, I check the number to make sure I'm at the right place. I lock the doors to my Range Rover Sport and walk to the door and knock.

I waited a few seconds and a small lady with sandy blonde hair with blue eyes opens the door. "You must be Alex Peterson!"

"That's me," I smile.

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Isabelle, but call me Belle. Come in! Come in!" She gestures to come inside. As I walk in I hear the sound of loud music which sounds like its coming from the basement and the TV from the living area.

The house is massive, with nicely decorated walls with pictures of her happy family. The walls were a nice shade of brown.

"Chelsea hon, turn off the TV for me," she asks the little girl that couldn't be older than ten.

We walk in the living room and I sit on the very comfy couch.

"So how old are you? You look very young. Have you been a nanny before?" She asks.

"Well I'm twenty two, and I haven't been a nanny before but I have done a lot of babysitting," I respond with a smile. She smiles back happily. She seems like a happy person.

"That's great!" Belle smiles "My oldest son is twenty three. But he's not the best to look after the kids, so that's why I need you to watch my other two children."

We both laugh, and talk a bit more. "What are their names?"

"Oh right! My little girl is Chelsea, she just turned nine. My little boy is Marcus and he's four," she smiles at the kids. They are so adorable.

"Well I better get going," I say standing up from the couch.

"Yes! It's very nice to meet you! When can you start?" Belle asks as we make our way to the door.

"Anytime! I do go to university, but I get out at two," I say smiling. I got the job!

I can't help but notice that the loud music downstairs has stopped.

"How's Monday? Be here at three o'clock?" She suggests.

"Sounds good! I'll be here, do you have my number?" I ask, she shakes her head and makes her way to what I assume is the kitchen. She comes back and I call out my cell number.

I slip on my flats, and I hear a door open I look up to see a very handsome guy. His blue eyes pricing into mine. His shaggy sandy blonde hair caressing his forehead. His blue t-shirt clings to his body perfectly. I can't help but look at him over and over again. When our gazes continue to meet, my cheeks heat up, then I realized we were both doing the same thing.

"Shane, this is Alex. Alex this is Shane," she introduces. He smiles as Belle does to, "Be nice to her, she's a sweet heart. She starts Monday."

I look away from his gaze and I look back at him and he's skimming over my body once again. I flush even more.

"Well I'll see you all Monday," I announce. "Bye."

As I turn around behind me, the boy, Shane. Winks, my heart sinks and I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. I only just met him and I feel like this.

I make my way to the mall, I need some new clothing. By the time I'm finished shopping its already three in the afternoon. I head home to try on my new clothing I bought.

As I tried on my new shorts for soccer, I get a text. I walk over to the bed and grab my phone off it.

From Shanelle

Want to go out for dinner? At five? Your favourite place!

To Shanelle

Sounds good

I look at the clock and see that it's half past four. Changing back into the clothes I wore to the interview I sing loudly to Clarity by Zedd.

I arrive at the restaurant I ask if Shanelle was there already, it turns out she's not, so I got a table. I ordered us drinks, Sprite for the both of us.

"Hey Al," Shanelle says sitting across from me. "How'd the interview go?"

"Great, I got the job," I announce.

She claps, "Well done! How many kids does she have again?"


"Would you like me to take your order now?" The waitress asks.

"Please, I'll have the garden salad," I order. Shanelle orders a burger.

"You're going to be looking after three kids?" Shanelle asked looking at me like I was crazy.

"Two of them. A boy and a girl. She has an older son that's twenty three," I say, my face heating up with the mental image of him.

"Yum, is he cute?" Shanelle giggles.

"Cute is an understatement," I mutter.

She gawks while we eat, I explain that nothing is going to happen between the two of us, but she doesn't seem to understand the part where I'm working for his mother.

It was finally Monday. I packed my bag with some work from school to do when the kids go to bed. I check myself in the mirror once again. Feeling self conscious I go down stairs to find Shanelle and Blake cuddling on the couch. I look down at the clothing I'm wearing. It's a sweater, leggings with my red Tom's.

"Do I look alright?" I ask Shanelle standing by the door.

"Alex you always look so perfect stop worrying," she chuckles. All day yesterday all she told me was 'make sure you tell me if anything happens between you two!' I was laughed and shook my head at the memory. As I walk out my apartment door, I feel nervousness wash over me.

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