Chapter 16 - Escort

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Chapter 16 - Escort

"What did you give me?" I mumbled suddenly becoming claustrophobic surrounded by all these people. I had my arms wrapped around Blondie's neck solely for the reason that I wouldn't be able to stand up otherwise. My legs felt like jello and my heart was beating at an alarming speed. Someone made eye contact with me across the room and I immediately was overcome with an awful feeling that he was spying on me. I felt like people were watching me but I couldn't spot anyone suspicious.

"They're staring at me." I managed to say to Blondie talking with an urgency that scared even me as this unsettling paranoia settled over me.

"What are you talking about? Stop freaking out you're ruining my roll." Blondie said clearly getting annoyed with me and even in my alcohol clouded mind his words made everything fall into place.

"You gave me ecstasy?" I slurred suddenly angry as I tried to push myself away from him but he held on tighter, not letting me move. No one around seemed to notice me struggling, they were all lost in their own worlds or too drunk to realize.

"You should be grateful, that sh*t's expensive." Blondie said, his grey eyes filled with anger. Suddenly my body started to vibrate and I started to panic. What was happening to me? The vibrating finally stopped and I released a breath of relief but it was short lived because just a few seconds later the vibrating started again. After a couple of seconds it finally clicked that it was my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I pulled one of my arms away from around Blondie's neck and struggled to get my phone out of my dress pocket. I looked at the screen to see who was calling but my vision was shaking too badly and my eyes couldn't focus on the words. I managed to swipe the screen and bring it to my ear. Blondie didn't seem to notice and continued to sway to the music as he left a trail of sloppy kisses and hickeys down my neck.

"Willow?" A voice questioned from the other side of the phone but I couldn't quite make out who it belonged to. Before I had the chance to say anything Blondie grabbed the phone from my hand and brought it up to his own ear.

"She's busy, she can't talk right now." Blondie answered before hanging up and placing my phone in his pocket.

"Your boyfriend's worried about you." Blondie said smirking as he wrapped his arm back around my waist.

"I wanna...gooo...home." I said finally managing to get the words out of my uncooperative mouth. As soon as the words escaped, I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as I realized I no longer have a home to go back to.

"It's only midnight, the fun's just getting started." Blondie said pulling me impossibly closer to him. I started to struggle once again, I was overheating and our close proximity was only making me hotter.

"Stop struggling against me, the bouncer's looking at us." Blondie hissed in my ear as he grabbed my hands so I could no longer hit his chest.

"Here's what's going to happen." He said leaning down so that his lips were only a centimetre away from mine as he spoke. Even with his dilated pupils, his grey eyes were so intense that I couldn't find the strength to rip mine away from them. "We're going to walk out that door and you're going to act like I'm your boyfriend and everything is okay. If you cooperate and do a convincing job I'll pay you an extra fifty dollars, okay?" Blondie asked making me more confused than before. Why was he paying me? Did he think I was a prostitute or something? I nodded anyways, just wanting to get out of the club. The heat was suffocating me.

"Good." He said giving me a half smile as he leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips. His lips were as soft as silk but his touch didn't give me tingles the way Slate's did.

After CurfewOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara