Chapter 30 - Tattoos

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Chapter 30 - Tattoos

I had forced myself to stop crying not long after Slate had wrapped me in the blanket. I'd learned from a young age that crying was something you did in private because it was a sign of weakness and god forbid anyone saw a Woods look weak.

I wiped at my wet cheeks and pushed at Slate's chest softly to say I was ready to go back to his place. He stood up first then reached his hand out to help me up. He pulled me up with a little too much force so that my body landed against his and I only realized he'd done it on purpose when his arms wrapped around the back of my neck, hugging me to his muscular chest.

"You're so fùcking strong." I started shaking my head to argue but he stopped me immediately, "You are. People hurt you and instead of responding with anger you walk away. That takes so much strength." He let out a harsh exhale of breath before speaking again. "And you make me soft. Before I met you I couldn't control my anger and now I can stand here and watch you cry and I'm still blinded by rage at whoever hurt you but when I hold you my vision goes a little less red." He murmured, his words coming out strained as if they were too heavy to form with his lips. I looked up at him in the dim light with so much admiration I could hardly breathe.

"This." He whispered grabbing my bruised hand and placing a soft kiss on my knuckles "This is not you. Stop helping them hurt you." My eyes were watering again but I blinked them back wanting to look at the man who had so drastically changed my life in only a few months. He wiped the last of the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs then placed a soft kiss on my lips before taking my hand and leading me away from the park.

"Let's go home."


When we walked into Slate's apartment it was just nearing 3 am. Christian, Alec and AJ were all sitting on the large couch watching Bob's Burgers on the new tv Slate had been forced to buy after Christian and I's little mishap with the other one.

The guys all turned to us when we walked in and gave me smiles that didn't quite reach their eyes and I had a feeling they knew something was wrong. I was sure I looked a mess, not to mention I knew they'd been with Slate when I'd called him to come get me.

Slate sat down in the last empty spot on the three-person couch and softly took my hand in his, pulling me down onto his lap. AJ handed me an already lit joint and I accepted it gratefully. I took a pull, inhaling deeply, knowing it would be my only chance at getting some sleep tonight. Christian came back into the living room before I'd even noticed he was gone, with a hot cup of milk and honey for me and Alec wrapped a new blanket around me.

I almost cried right then. My heart ached at how amazing they all were and it ached more knowing I didn't deserve it. They were too damn good, all of them, too good for someone who had been born for bad.

I took back the joint wanting to ease my mind, to forget the truth for a little while. Slate's hand was drawing patterns on my leg, his other arm wrapped tightly around my waist, a constant reminder he was still here despite my worries.

I wasn't in the mood to talk but listening to the light and funny conversation the guys were having helped a sort of calm settle over me and I decided to get comfier, resting my head in Slate's lap and tossing my legs across Alec and AJ. Slate's hand combed through my hair, massaging my scalp and for a couple seconds, I felt at peace.

Like maybe not having parents didn't matter so much if I had all of these guys to look out for me. But then I was reminded of West's promise earlier tonight and it suddenly felt like there was a timer on and it was getting uncomfortably close to going off. So when my eyes drifted closed not long after, the sleep that followed was anything but peaceful.

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