Chapter 35 - Insieme (The End)

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Chapter 35 - Insieme

"West, why are you here?"

He tilted his head to the side, mimicking a lost puppy. "You ran away from me."

His words echoed around the empty room, making my heart race. "Did you follow me here?"

He shook his head immediately, denying the only explanation that made sense. I watched his jaw clench tightly as he looked up at the ceiling, like I was the one being difficult. "Did you forget what you did?" He asked suddenly, shaking his head in disgust.

I shook my head, his words clawing at my heart. I would never forget. Didn't we always let the worst thing we'd ever done define the rest of our lives? I wasn't any different.

"Maybe I was wrong about you. I tell you that you killed one of my best friends and you go on vacation?" He sneered the last part.

"It's not a vacation—" His sarcastic laugh cut me off as he took a few steps towards me, his bright eyes burning into me. "Yeah nothing's ever a vacation for you rich people. That's why you love him, isn't it? 'You're sad, baby? Let's go to Paris.'" His harsh mocking rung loud and true, making my stomach roll with guilt.

"I'm so sorry." I was choking, my throat was closing up, I was always sorry, but it wasn't worth a damn thing. My vision of West's approaching figure was getting blurry. His hands were on my waist, pulling me into his chest as he shushed my panicky breaths.

"Shhh, let's go for a walk." I nodded, wiping at my cheeks as I tried to pull myself together. Getting out of the abandoned building was a good idea. I tugged at my leather jacket, pulling it around myself tighter as West lead us outside, his arm around my waist.

"You want a coffee?" His words were soft, calm, he was always doing that—jumping from hot to cold like it was as easy as flipping a switch. I nodded, following him as he sat down in a busy cafe.

I got up quickly, needing room to breathe. "What do you want?"

He eyed me sceptically, like he thought I might run, but then it eased into a relaxed smile. "Café au lait." He knew he had me wrapped around his finger.

I got in line, waiting to order. I was tapping my hand against my black jeans in a quick rhythm that mimicked my racing heart. Fear was easing its way down my spine, he'd followed me to Paris, not his friend Vinny. Or maybe Vinny was here too? Everything was so confused and my head was spinning at the rate of which it was all unraveling. I ordered our two drinks and paid quickly before stepping to the side to wait for them.

I just needed to call Slate and let him know where I was. I reached for my phone, cursing when I remembered I hadn't gotten a new one since I'd thrown my last one into traffic, I'd been using Slate's when I needed one.

I scoffed at myself, half sobbing. I always needed Slate. I couldn't do a damn thing on my own.

The two coffees were placed in front of me, and I sucked in a shaky breath. My time was up. My hands were shaking as I carried our two coffees to the table, hyperaware of West's eyes watching my every move. I placed them on the table, taking my seat.

"We could be good together."

I snapped my eyes up to his, confusion gripping me when I saw how serious he was. I shook my head silently, biting my lower lip painfully.

"What are you doing, West? Where's your friend?" I was becoming desperate, sick of the mind games he was playing. Sick of being thrown from one emotion to another. Every ounce of sense I had was screaming at me to run away, but I knew I owed him so much more than a coffee.

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