Chapter 19 - Fairy Godmother

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Chapter 19 - Fairy Godmother

***Warning: There's a (small) violence/abuse related situation in this chapter. Read at your own risk***

"Willow Woods, you're under arrest for breaking and entering."

With those words, realization crashed down on me. I was about to be arrested. I was on the verge of having a panic attack when one of the officers ordered me to stand up and put my hands behind my back. I did as he said, knowing good and well that not cooperating would only make this worse.

As I felt the cool metal hitting my wrist, my panic bubbled over and I found myself having trouble breathing. How could this be happening? I felt like my whole world was crashing down around me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. As soon as Harvard got word of this, they'd surely take away my acceptance.

I struggled to get air into my lungs, hardly hearing the officers as they read me my rights. Getting into Harvard was what I'd dreamed of my entire life and just like that it was being taken away from me.

The officer turned me around and forced me to start walking towards the classroom door, not noticing, or perhaps not caring that I was struggling for air. The class was completely silent, completely still, so the sound of a chair being pushed back and loud footsteps caught my attention. I turned my head and my tear filled eyes locked with Slate's angry ones. His presence calmed me down ever so slightly but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't seem to get enough air into my lungs.

Slate stopped directly in front of me and took my face in his hands. "Calm down Willow, breathe, you need to breathe." Something about his smooth voice and addictive touch finally pulled me back to the present and relaxed me enough so that my breathing started to return to normal. Before I knew what was happening, the second officer roughly pushed Slate off of me causing him to hit a desk.

"Go back to your desk, son." The officer's voice boomed, his hand hovering over his gun, challenging Slate to disobey his order. That was a bad idea, I knew Slate well enough to know that when he's angry he has a tendency not to think before he reacts. Like I predicted, Slate pushed himself off the desk and stood up straight, so that he was a good few inches taller than the officer. He wore black jeans that were tight but not too tight, a black and red long sleeve flannel that hugged his biceps perfectly and a pair of black converse. I wanted to smack myself for taking the time to check him out during a time like this.

"She was having a panic attack, what were you going to do let her f*cking suffocate?" Slate yelled directly in the officers face and you could hear every single person in the classroom gasp at his actions, including myself.

Immediately Slate was being shoved onto the ground by the officer. He struggled against the officers grip mumbling swear words and yelling at him to get the f*ck off. The officer ignored him as he pressed his knee into Slate's spine and grabbed his arms, handcuffing them behind his back.

At that exact moment, Christian entered the classroom and stopped as soon as his eyes landed on the cop and I—who was still gripping my shoulder painfully tightly—before drifting down to Slate and the other cop. Upon noticing the hall pass in Christian's clenched fist, I realized he must have left to go to the washroom just before the cops showed up and everything turned to sh*t.

"What the hell?" Christian exclaimed as the cop pulled a handcuffed Slate off the ground. I felt the officer who was holding me start pushing me towards the door where Christian was still standing with a priceless look of shock on his face—if the situation had been different, I might've even laughed.

I knew Slate wasn't far behind me because not only could I hear his and the other officers footsteps but I could also hear the cop telling him his rights as Slate mumbled unfriendly phrases under his breath. Maybe it was selfish of me, but knowing that Slate was going to the station with me made me feel a whole lot better and I blinked back the last of the tears that were brimming in my eyes. If I was going to get arrested, I wasn't going to be a baby about it, I was gonna to do it in style.

After CurfewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora