Authors Note & Chapter 25 Sneak Peek!

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Hello my beautiful, lovely, amazing & UNDERSTANDING readers ;)

Okay so maybe I needed to suck up to you guys a little bit, can you blame me? 

No but seriously I'm so sorry for the lack of updates recently, I'm sure no one wants to hear excuses but much like every other author's explanations: SCHOOL IS HECTIC AND WRITERS BLOCK IS A CLASS ONE BIATCH.

I'm not going to make any promises about when the next chapter is going to be up but hopefully soon, I'm already more than halfway done it! For now here's a little sneak peek because you guys are amazingggggg, thanks for 3.8k reads <3

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SNEAK PEEK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

West's gaze settled on Slate's hand that was gripping my thigh softly and I watched as the side of his lip tipped up in a sort of cruel smile.

"I'm hurt baby girl, you've replaced me already?" West said, his eyes alight with what I recognized as amusement—only because I'd seen his eyes burn with that same look when he watched the girl slap me at the club yesterday for kissing her boyfriend.

I had to give West credit, he is one clever motherf*cker. I have no doubt that his evil little plan had formulated in his twisted mind just seconds ago when he realized Slate was the jealous type by his hand that was currently placed possessively on my leg.

Pretending that him and I used to date to screw with Slate was borderline genius, it already seemed to be working by the way Slate was clenching his jaw and tapping his finger impatiently on the table.

The worst part about the whole thing was that I couldn't do anything to stop it. Instead I had to play along and lie straight to my friends and family because I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't. Fear seemed to be becoming a constant factor in the decisions I've been making lately and it all seemed to lead back to the cynical green eyed maniac and his mysterious so-called 'boss'.

"Slate and I aren't dating." I gritted out between clenched teeth as I struggled to keep my cool. My gaze stayed locked with West's mostly because I was scared to look at anyone else, but also because his emerald eyes always seemed to mesmerize me. West released a short, mocking laugh at my statement—as if he knew something no one else did.

"I sure hope not." He said, a smirk making it's way to his face as he wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively. I immediately knew he was referring to me making out with the guy at the club yesterday and I resisted the urge to get up and strangle him.



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