Colonist Slot 6: Reagan Wilkie

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Name: Reagan Wilkie (last name pronounced "Wilk-ee")

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Nation of Origin: She was born in the United States but her parents were part of the Doctors without Borders program so she lived in many countries. She likes to refer to herself as a "woman without borders."

Position: Doctor/Surgeon

Appearance: Standing at 170 centimeters tall, Reagan has a shapely figure. A beautiful woman, her defined cheekbones give way to a smiling mouth and a button nose. Her warm brown eyes always hold sympathy towards everyone. Her brown hair hangs in loose curls around her face and is usually pulled into a messy bun when she is working. Although she does own the customary white coats that doctors are so often seen wearing, she prefers to dress in jeans and tee-shirts unless seeing a patient.

Personality: Reagan is a good-natured soul. She finds joy in helping others, part of the reason she make such a good doctor. She is incredibly intelligent, completing all the necessary schooling and residencies two years early at the age of twenty-six. She is fun loving, and enjoys being around friends and family, well, people in general. She is very empathetic and sympathetic. Reagan hates seeing others in pain and tries her best to aid others in whatever way possible.

Token: A picture frame with her mom, dad and herself in it. The picture is in Plaza Mayor in Madrid, Spain, on a family vacation.


Author Games: Brave New WorldWhere stories live. Discover now