The Results

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I know you're all holding your breath for the final results, so I'll cut to the chase before anyone passes out.

In Fourth Place...

Though her author has a talent for intriguing character ideas, I have to say I did a double take when I read Axelle Haumann's form. A model on an alien planet? Who could have thought of that? Nonetheless, it was with a certain delight as I saw Axelle hit her stride and grow from a selfish bimbo into a thoughtful, relatable member of the colony. She has definitely earned her place in the Final Four- as well as home on Danu.

In Third Place...

Speaking of unique characters, I doubt anyone saw Demetrius Vittore (The Stuffed Second) coming! As I read this cranky teddy bear steadfastly watching over his human, I found myself wondering how the author could possibly get me to care about an inanimate object in the arms of a man-child. And then they did it. Again and again. Well done, indeed.

In Second Place...

My, but this was a close call. Separated until the very end of voting by a single point from our victor, Sydney Morristan (she of the autocorrect-detested spelling) defined her character with science and her close friendship with Lucia Paula Fernandez. Despite a hiccup at the song task, she carried strong through the various trials of Danu as a true AG veteran before deciding to make it her home.

So obviously, that leaves:

With a fascination with the stars of Earth and Danu, Lucia Paula Fernandez established herself as a gentle, dreaming character. That lasted about four tasks, until she made us watch in horror as she killed an alien doppelgänger of her sister, had a nervous breakdown and crisis of faith in short order, and ended as an ex-veteran wracked with PTSD and guilt in equal measure. Honestly, the glimmerings of hope she left us at the end were as faint as starlight, but then again, wouldn't Lucia herself say that those solitary rays are the most important?

That's it! Author Games: Brave New World is now completed. Many congratulations to our fabulous finalists, as well as every one of our wonderful competitors (yes, even the ones who didn't hand in. You know who you are.) Thank you for turning my very first sci-fi Games into what I think can be called a resounding success. I certainly hope many of you will return for my next installment, an HP Games so exciting it actually dragged RappyTheDinosaur out of retirement- Author Games: The City of Gold. (It'll be up literally as soon as we have a cover.)

Until later, dear readers...

-The Narrator/TheCatKing/Joe

Oh, and also:




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