Colonist Slot 13: Chrysanthemum Nicole Paterson

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Name: Chrysanthemum Nicole Paterson

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Nation of Origin: Canada

Position: Chef and Horticulturalist

Appearance: A woman with a pair of dark, almond shaped eyes is how everyone used to describe her late mother, although as she aged, it became her title-feature, and her long, straight brunette hair settles just below her collarbones. Chrys' skin is tanned and even, but she does sport a row of scars above her right eye that trails across her temple- an injury she is rarely willing to discuss. Her stature is tall and slim- 183 cm tall, to be exact- which is a result of the best of both of her parents' features.

Personality: A bright woman with a smile to light up a room, Chrys enjoys laughing. She doesn't allow her age to dictate her joyful personality and sometimes childish behaviour. She loves to garden and use her produce to create simply yet enjoyable meals for close friends and her father.

Token: Her mother's old glasses- ones she cannot wear, but treasures all the same as the last gift she received from her.


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