Colonist Slot 12: Megumi Hirai

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Name: Megumi Hirai [Hirai Megumi]

Age: Twenty

Gender: Female

Nation of Origin: Although born in Japan, Megumi has spent most of her life in South Korea.

Position: Spacecraft Pilot [Training]

Appearance: Megumi is a fresh, youthful face, even if she isn't the first one you'll notice in a crowd. Her hair is long and sleek, often styled how she wants it, and definitely doesn't remain in one colour. Currently, she's settled on a grayish-silver colour, and they now flow in waves just above her waist. Her eyes are a deep brown yet as bright as can be, for her thin, pink lips are always broken into a wide smile from time to time. Megumi's skin is fair and free of blemishes, and she stands at an average height, at five foot seven to be exact.

Personality: Megumi is four-dimensional. One second, she's this quirky little thing, and the next she's more serious than anyone could even possibly be. A weird soul trapped inside a small body, it only takes a matter of minutes before she turns into a jittery, slippery mess. Everything can tap her interests and make her explode, and yes, people still find her lowkey amusing and at the same time just plain vulnerable that they couldn't leave her out of their sights. Who knows when she couldn't hold herself any longer. [That would never happen, though.]

Token: A blue Power Rangers figurine.

Other: Megumi is smart, I can give you that.

Author Games: Brave New WorldWhere stories live. Discover now