Chapter 67

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Soorry for you waiting for long....but I've been busy...even thou it's the holidays, I still find myself being busy. Ha...butt I have uploaded and hopefully you guys like :)

Thank youuu for everyone who has been reading, commenting and voting....I really wonder sometimes why people like this story...but well....lots of you do and that's great :) so thank you very much <3

I do read all your comments, I just don't have time to respond to everyyy one...soo if you would like me to responde and quick, then I suggest you message me..that way I can reply :) oooo and thanks to many of your suggestions on what you would like to see happening.....I have taken ideas and even some of yours are very close to my original ones ;)

Hope you enjoyyyyyyy....I didn't really know what to write for this chapter...sooo....yeah..hope it's okay :)




It's been two weeks. Two weeks since making that make shift fair for Tom. Two weeks since making it up with my brothers...

And I swear it's been the best two weeks I have had since we have moved here.

I've been on cloud nine everyday, always feeling giddy and light, a smile on my face almost permanently all the time, I'm afraid it will stay like that.

But right now...I do not care, because these past two weeks have been good...great even, and the main reason why, is because of one person...


Ever since he helped me out that day two weeks ago, we have practically been together every other day since. It's hard to believe that a couple of months ago, I utterly hated him and couldn't even stand to be around him.

He was annoying. An arrogant, annoying, big headed jerk who got under my skin with all those comments and stupid nicknames he made. I didn't want him around me at all.

But now....oh gosh, it's changed. I really don't understand how, but it has.

I want him around me, all the time. When he's not, I automatically search for him even if I realise I'm doing it or not. He may still be that annoying, arrogant, big headed jerk....but I don't just see that anymore, what I see now has overtaken all those things and caused me to feel all these stupid emotions that I would never have thought I would, especially for him.

He's sweet. He's caring. He's cute. He's Charming. He's Fascinating. He's handsome.....oh so gorgeous..

He's so much much more than I can put into words.

The way he's been these past two weeks...the way we've been, I never thought would happen.

He's carried my books for me, he's given my lifts from school, he's shared some lunch with me, he's actually had a conversation with me that doesn't involve any sarcastic comment, from either of us. He's text me basically every day, in and out of school, he's good with Tom and the other little ones, being there to distract them all while I got an important essay done, he's given me these looks from across the classroom causing the swirls of butterflies to flutter away in my stomach, he's given me heart palpitations just from some of the looks or smiles he gives me!....and...he's kissed me.

Ohh he's kissed me...

Meeting me with those lips suddenly when I get into his car, pushing me up against the side of our house or in the middle of a completely empty school corridor.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora