Chapter 15

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New chapter!


Thanks to everyne who's reading this and voted/comment! :) cus I've got just over 3,000 reads! :) it means alot :) so thanks thanks thanks! i love ya <3

Pic on side is oF Morgan and the two twins, Jack and Joe  ------------>

oh and of what Morgan's wearing :)

 (I don't know who they are....I just found a pic and thought cute :P :))

Hope you enjoy this chapter! :)






I scowl as I watch them mingle with us as if it’s natural and they have known us for years.

When they haven’t! We only met a few fricken days ago jeeze!

Chris, Evan, Hayden, Noah and Blake are yelling over the XBOX game their playing....well more like fighting over it as they try to do whatever it is they do.....

The twins are in bed...well hopefully, I’ll have to check on them later, Cory, Lee and surprisingly Darren are in the living room with us playing some electronic game thing, Leon’s in his room ....and twin...pff....he’s in here that’s for sure but has April practically draped over him as he’s staring blanking at the TV screen trying to make it look like his interested in watching but not as April blabbers on to him about god knows what.

That just leaves Charles and Aston, well that’s easy, Charles is with Daisy and mom...probably going on about baby stuff...which if I know my brother is doing his head in by now I bet, and Aston...he’s sat next to me watching the boys play the game or texting on his phone constantly.

Wait....that’s not everyone.....where’s Morgan?

I scan the living room frowning as I don’t see her....she was here a minute ago I swear......

A loud high pitched scream suddenly enters my ears...heck everyone’s ears ...and my head snaps to the living room door.

Morgan comes racing through the door, screaming her head off, wearing her cute pink matching frilly pyjamas and jumps into April’s lap making her jump in surprise....

“Ahhh! DIE, DIE, DIE!” Joe and Jack run into the living room wearing monster masks and firing some kinda plastic pellets from a toy gun.

I blink at the sudden loudness as the twins shot pellets at Morgan who’s squealing and burring herself into April....and the twins laughing and shouting words I can’t understand...

Hang on a second.....they were supposed to be in bed! Oooh...those little-

“JOE! JACK!” I yell pushing myself of the couch and scowling at the pair....

Both of them instantly stop and turn their heads towards me, still with the monster masks on...

They both drop their toy guns and smile innocently...I narrow my eyes at them, crossing my arms over my chest.

I glance to the side to see if anyone else is gunna deal with these monkeys....and give out an annoyed sigh as I see that their still all engrossed in the flippin XBOX game their doing and who I thought would help was Aston...but he’s texting someone, too concentrated on that...

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora