Chapter 56

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New Chapter!

Hopefully you didn't have to wait to loon for this :)....don't think you did :D

but anywayyy,,, hope you like this chapter :) bit of actionnnn ;)






Okay, I don’t think there is anything more awkward than using a shower at someone else’s house, especially one that belongs to someone you dislike very much....

I don’t think I’m very comfortable with doing this.

However, the violent shivers that are running through my body tell me otherwise....

I am in desperate need of a hot shower, before I catch Pneumonia or something, even if it’s in the house of a jerkass...

“Shot gun this bathroom!” Charlie shouts before rushing towards the nearest bathroom, just opposite the stairs...

I roll my eyes with a slight smirk “Alright then...” I mumble out, seeing Charlie giving me one last cheeky grin and a wink, before closing the door of the bathroom and disappearing...

With a sigh, I hug myself tighter, a shiver going through me again and carry on up to the next level of this enormous house...finding the next bathroom.

As on entering, I raise an eyebrow, slightly surprised at how big it is, and how....clean it looks. With shiny white tiles and floor, it’s almost blinding, if it wasn’t for the mats dotted around on the floor, then this bathroom would be too bright.

Shutting the door slowly, I lock it after me, out habit as I do it at home, do not want any sudden appearances of people coming in.....bad experiences have told me to always lock the bathroom door.

Releasing a sigh, I look around the bathroom, seeing what looks to be another door in the wall to the side, properly an airing cupboard or something. See what I mean by awkward?’s not your own bathroom so you don’t know where everything is...don’t know what to use...and what not to use, and most of all, it doesn’t feel comfortable to do so.

But, like I said, it’s either this – showering in someone’s shower that you would prefer not to – or catching a serious illness and possibly dying from the coldness.

Okay, maybe a little extravagant....but you get what I mean.

With another sigh, I step towards the shower, a half a circle shape in the corner, with a sliding door across and you could quite possibly fit at least three people in that – not that that’s any real importance...but shows you how big this shower is.

Reaching in, I turn the dial, setting it on hot, and causing the water to come shooting out.

Scanning my eyes around the doors and cupboards, I come across the rack where the towels are kept, and while thinking the obvious, those are used ones, I reach for the cupboard beside it, hoping that my judgment is correct and that I will find what I’m looking for in there.

Opening the door, I smile...aha! towels.

Grabbing a fluffy cream one, that’s clean and no evidence to say that it’s being used, I pull it out, placing it on the counter, before turning back to the now heated shower....

I smile lightly as I can already feel the heat from the water, seeing the steam coming up, I take no time in stripping from my soaked, cold wet clothes, and jumping into the steaming shower....blissful with the hot water now warming my skin.

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