Chapter 71

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Sorrryy for the wait! but it's finally up!

This chapter isn't's really just a fill as I plan to possibly skip a few weeks, or months in the story in the next chapter...if you guys think that'll be alright?...because I'm wanting to get through to the good parts :)

Oh and I would like to thanks fastpitch123 for the idea of the song on the side! saying you thought describes this story, and I must sorta does! thanks! :) would love if anyone has any other song suggestions that can relate to this story :)


Yeaah...and also I apologize if this chapter isn't much gooodd...and my only excuse is...that I'm not really feeling good right now...but I have uploaded! that's the main thing....another step closer to finishing.

THank you all very very much for the reads votes and comments! I will actually never understand why so many of you actually LIKE this story...ahah it's so surreal....but thank you! :)







At that simple word a smile come to my face as my heart melts to my stomach, my chest fluttering as I lift my head to meet a certain pair of eyes I'm always wanting to stare at.

“Hey...” I answer quietly with a small smile, feeling shy for some reason which annoys me, but can't seem to help it as it's just how he makes me feel...all the time.

As he steps closer, his arms snaking around my waist smiling down at me with that cheeky grin, I bite my lip as I look up to him, a smile tugged to my lips as I let him pull me closer...

“Hi..” He chuckles lowering his head down closer to mine and I feel the usual sensation as heat washes over my body as his lips meet mine for a brief long moment, and when he pulls away I feel my body fully relax.

“Good morning...” He murmurs still with that smile on his lips and I go to reply to him but my words being mumbled as he kisses me again.

Smiling I hold back my giggle and look up to him to see him give me a wink before letting me out his grip and linking his fingers through mine and it's only then that I remember where actually are..

Standing outside of our school.

Where lots of eyes can see us, and lots are looking.

Pushing the thoughts of people staring to the back of my mind, I let Noah guide me through the grounds of the school, talking to me as if no one's even staring at us and as if we don't have four tall bodies walking behind us.

As we reach the doors, Noah still chatting away, I catch sight of a familiar blonde haired girl, who I have actually forgotten about...well, that is until now.

Melanie catches my eye and immediately throws a harsh glare my way. I frown and ignore her gaze, concentrating back on Noah's voice as we walk through the doors and I try to ignore the intense glare that's aiming my way.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now