Chapter 7. An Abundance of Derek

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I was sitting on the couch in my living room. The room was mostly dark, apart from the light emitting from the television. Upon further inspection, I noticed an all too familiar scene on the television screen. For some reason, the hallway of my high school was being filmed and broadcasted. I could vaguely make out the outlines of students briskly making their way through the halls, but they were moving so fast the images were gone before I could even attempt to recognize them. The camera began to zoom in on the back of someone, they were leaning against a locker and it body was extremely identifiable.

I stood from the couch and crept closer to the screen, I could now make out Stiles' outfit. He had on those maroon colored pants and a jacket. His back was towards me, but I could tell that there was somebody on the other sides of him, someone that he was talking to. The camera then began to move and it started to turn, revealing the person that Stiles had been paying attention to. I didn't recognize her, but she was pretty. He was leaning on the locker with one arm above his head with a goofy grin on his face, that must be the girl that he likes, the one that he had tried to tell me about. A burning sensation, similar to what I felt when he told me about her, erupted in my chest and I nearly stumbled back from the intensity. Why does this hurt so much?

Even though it was killing me to see this, I couldn't pull my eyes away from the screen. Why does she make him so happy? What can she give him that I can't? I don't understand why she's so much more special than me? To be completely honest, she looks sort-of like me. We both have brown hair, and she's wearing skinny jeans and a gray shirt... much like my entire wardrobe consists of. So, if she's so much like me, what sets her apart from me? What makes her the girl. Has he even kissed her? Does he love her? Does she love him?

My questions came to a screeching halt when suddenly Stiles lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. My stomach dropped and my heart shattered. I watched as the girl wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to her. Stiles' hands went to her waist as he tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss. I could feel bile rising up the back of my throat and I covered my mouth with my hands, still unable to look away from this nightmare.

Stiles then turned around to face the camera and smirked, "Did you honestly think I would ever like you?"

"KASEY! Wake up!"

I jolted upright in my bed, my sheets were twisted around my legs and all of my pillows had been pushed to the floor. Scott was standing by my bedside, his face contorted into confusion at the sight before him. I ran my hands over my face, my skin damp from the sheer layer of swear sitting on top of me. My heart was beating erratically and I was breathing heavily. I'm not exactly sure what that dream's purpose was, other than to give me a massive wake up call about the fact that Stiles would never go for me.

I mean, the damn girl he was with was practically a spitting image of me-- yet he chose her.

Scott picked up my pillowed and gently placed them back on my bed, "You okay?"

I sighed as I ran my hands through my tangled hair, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"That didn't look fine... you sure you're okay?" he asked hesitantly, obviously aware of the fact that I didn't want to talk about the situation.

I didn't want to snap at him, he was just concerned and worried about my well-being... I can't be mad at him for that. I glanced at him with a brief smile on my face, "It was just a bad dream... nothing too serious."

"Last time you said that, we had to go to the hospital because you ended up in the bathroom with--" as he began to speak of the incident, the scar on my forearm throbbed from the memory.

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