Chapter 29. More and more weird abilities

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I was bouncing around beside Stiles in the gym as I watched Scott and Allison scale up the rock wall- I didn't want to do that, at all. Aside from my fear of birds- mainly pigeons, I am terrified of heights. And elevators, but they fit more into the whole tight space thing- which I'm not very fond of either, oh who cares. My point is, I don't want to climb the damn thing at all.

Stiles chuckled as he watched me, "Getting a little nervous?"

"In all of my years of life, I have been able to get myself out of situations that I don't want to be in- but for some reason, I can't get out of climbing this blasted rock wall." I sighed as I watched Scott speed up quickly in order to pass up Allison- are they racing? That doesn't sound safe in the slightest.

I bit down harder on my lip as Allison kicked Scott's foot and he fell off the wall, his harness caught him just before he hit the ground- which caused the class to erupt into laughter, I wasn't laughing. Oh no, I was trying very hard to prevent myself from throwing up.

"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." Coach Finstock chuckled as he sat down on the mat next to my brother, who had unhooked his harness and flopped down on the squishy blew material.

Coach then stood up and glanced at Stiles and myself, "Next two! Stilinski- and Kasey, you're up."

Stiles grinned and made his way to the wall quickly, where as I took my time walking towards the wall of death. I really, really don't want to do this. What if I fall and my harness doesn't catch me and then I die? Oh, why am I thinking of stuff like that when I am getting ready to actually climb the damn thing? I sighed to myself as I stepped into Allison's previous harness and buckled all the necessary pieces together, here we go.

"Race you to the top," Stiles smirked as he began to climb the wall- very quickly. I hesitantly grabbed the first yellow oddly shaped rock and made my step up the wall. The stupid little rock things were rough, and hurt my hands- but I pushed through the pain and started to climb up so I didn't look like a total idiot in front of the whole damn class. Stiles had beaten me to the top by ten seconds, before he repelled down. Once I hit the little X on the top, I too repelled to the mat.

As I undid the buckles my hands started to shake, and my head formed that familiar pain in the back- just like it did when Lydia went missing... oh that's not good. I stepped out of the harness and glanced around the gym, but everyone looked the same- nothing looked different, and Lydia was standing beside Allison looking completely fine...

"Alright, Eric and Greenberg- you're up," Coach muttered, he really hated Greenberg. Well, no one really liked Greenberg, but Coach really didn't like him.

I stumbled over to Stiles as my hands continued to shake, I tried wiping them on my t-shirt- but that didn't help at all. I just need to calm down, take a few deep breaths and think about happy things- like unicorns and rainbows. "Kase? You okay?" Stiles asked quietly.

"I don't know what's going on, my hands won't stop shaking." I whispered as I glanced at Erica and Greenberg on the wall, he had already made it to the top and was repelling down, looking proud of himself, Coach simply rolled his eyes and ignored his student and lacrosse player.

Erica was only half-way up the wall and I could hear her rapid breathing from all the way down here. What's wrong with her? She was saying things to herself as her body started to tremble and for some reason I felt like I couldn't breathe- what's happening?

"Erica? You okay? Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" Coach called up to the girl who looked like she was about to fall right off the wall. This isn't good, something is going to happen to her.

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