Chapter 18. Plot Twists are Always Fun

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After I left Stiles' house, I called Scott to see if maybe he had any luck with Allison- sadly he hadn't, but he had this bright idea to break into her house and for some stupid reason I agreed to tag along. Now, I am not much of a climber- but I managed to scale the side of her house pretty expertly if I do say so myself. 

This is the first time I've ever actually been in Allison's room, so I honestly had no idea where to look. Scott was just looking on all of the surfaces, but it wasn't doing much good. "This is a bad idea, what if her parents come home? Don't they have like a whole military arsenal in their garage?" I asked in a panic. 

Scott nodded, "Yeah- but I'll be able to hear them, we'll be fine."

I sighed in annoyance as I looked around on her dresser, Scott for some reason decided to sit down at her desk and start looking at her stuff on there. I walked over and saw a receipt for the Bowling Alley, and when he turned it over it had First date with Scott! written on it. 

"Oh, that's brutal." I said as I patted his shoulder sympathetically.

I then saw a chain sticking out of a book on her desk and I opened it up, "Ha! Found it," I cheered as I held the necklace up to show Scott. His eyes were glued to the page of the book though, there were a few words circled in black pen and I guess they meant something to him. Scott pulled out his phone and pulled up the translator to type in Loup garou. I watched the screen intently, and then werewolf popped up.

"Yeah... that's not good." I mumbled.

Scott sighed, "Okay we have to get out of here. Let's go."

I nodded and handed the necklace to Scott, I was a little nervous to get out of the window, but thankfully those four years of gymnastics I took as a kid really helped. Scott jumped right out of the window with ease, show off. 

As we grabbed his bike to leave- we were interrupted by Mr. Argent, "Scott, Kasey?" Oh, this is so not good. 

I swallowed dryly, "Um, hello Mr. Argent."

"I assume you're here for Allison? Please, come inside." He said with a smile as he made his way to the front door, Scott and I exchanged a look of pure shock and terror as we made our way inside. I feel like I'm about to get sick. 

"She should be back any minute, she sometimes likes to go for a run after school." Mr. Argent continued as he began to walk towards the kitchen, I was simply following Scott- who was following Mr. Argent. 

Scott began to panic, "You know I should actually get going... I've got a game tonight."

"You want something to drink? I'm gonna have a beer," Oh this was starting to get entirely too awkward for me. I need to get the hell out of here. 

I cleared my throat, "I actually do have to get going... Stiles is waiting for me, I promised I help him with his English homework and the only reason I'm here is because Scott was too afraid to face Allison on his own, this guy is so shy sometimes. It was great to see you again, Mr. Argent." The words were so rushed and I sounded like a complete idiot, but I managed to get out of the house within the next thirty seconds. Scott on the other hand, not so lucky. 

Once I had walked a good two blocks away from the Argent's house I pulled my cell phone out so I could text Stiles the good news, We found  the necklace! Pick me up a couple streets down from Allison's. ASAP.

"Did you get the picture I sent?" Scott's voice came from Stiles' phone, we were currently in his jeep, with Derek. After he picked me up from the street in Allison's neighborhood, he was already going off about some newly found information. Apparently after I left Stiles called Danny over to like get him to trace the text to Allison's phone the other night, and it popped up with my mom's name on the computer. Saying that she sent the text from her computer at the hospital. Which is really freaking weird.

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