Chapter 38. Disturbance in the Library

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When I walked into the library with my detention group, I let out another aggravated sigh. I have received more detentions this year than I have my entire life. And ninety percent of the detentions aren't even my fault. In fact, the only detention that was my fault was my first ever detention when I texted my mom during class to ask her what was for dinner. 

I sat at the same table as Stiles, Scott, and Erica. She just had to sit next to me- I'm really not surprised that she is being this bitchy, she is a dog after all. Jackson rolled his eyes as he sat at his table, "I can't be in this room, I have a restraining order against these tools."

Mr. Harris rose an eyebrow, "All of these tools?"

"No just us tools," Stiles responded as he gestured between my brother and I.

Satan Jr. nodded, "Fine, you three- over there." He pointed to a table a few feet away from the one we were originally at. It wasn't much of a different in distance from Jackson, but whatever. 

"I'm gonna kill him," Scott muttered as soon as we sat at our new table.

I shook my head from side to side, "No you're not. You're gonna find out who's controlling him and then you're gonna save him, remember?"

"No, Stiles was right. Let's kill him." My brother seethed. 

Stiles sighed, ""

I rubbed at my eyes and rested my head on my arms on the table, how long is this detention going to be exactly? I mean- Harris can drag these things out all night if he wants to, and I don't want to be stuck here all night again. I'd love to go home, but I guess this is the only way I can hang out with Stiles- since I'm technically grounded from him.

"Hey, what if it's Matt? I mean, this whole thing comes back to the video right?" My boyfriend said as he watched Matt intently. 

Scott sighed, "Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing."

"Exactly! So he's trying to throw suspicion off himself." Stiles said with a nod of his head. I glanced over at Matt, and he was eating a bag of chips rather obnoxiously. My stomach started to churn at the thought of the little 'date' he thought we had. 

I rose an eyebrow, "So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of the Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your jeep?"

"Yes!" Stiles whispered harshly. 

I let out a sigh, "It's a great theory, babe, honestly- but why?"

"Because... he's evil." He muttered.

Scott chuckled, "You just don't like him."

"Yeah, well excuse me for disliking the creep that is constantly staring at my girlfriend and talking about her. He bugs me." Stiles ranted as he gave Matt a death glare. 

My eyes widened, "Well that explains why he asked me out on Friday..."

"What?" Stiles snapped as he whipped around spastically in his chair, he nearly fell out of it but thankfully he didn't. That would have just pissed Harris off further. 

I coughed awkwardly, "Yeah... he said someone could get me and him a ticket or something to this rave party, I wasn't really paying attention. Oh! What if he is the guy putting notes in my locker? He plays lacrosse right?" I asked quickly as the theory started to click in my mind.

"Did you tell him no?" Scott asked slowly. 

I bit my lip and looked down at the table, "You told him yes?" Stiles hissed.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted him to go away- I'm not going to go, I'm grounded. Remember?" I defended myself as I crossed my arms over my chest. I really didn't think this was a big deal, like at all.

The Other McCall ▷ StilinskiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora