Chapter 39. Veggie is healthier,

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The next morning when I woke up, to say I had a hangover would be an understatement. I felt like complete and utter crap, and the only thing that was keeping me from going and getting more to drink so I could ignore this pain too, was the small little note on my nightstand, and it was from Stiles...

Hey Kasey, if you're reading this that means that I haven't been able to make it back to your house yet... sorry about that, things happen. Anyway- you probably feel terrible and so I left some Advil and a glass of water here for you, Scott had some things to take care of regarding the Jackson situation, so he isn't home either. Text me or call me or whatever when you wake up, I want to make sure you're okay.. okay well talk to you soon, I guess. 

I knew it was from him due to the scribbled out handwriting, and plus he has a very distinct way that he writes his a's that I haven't seen anyone else do, which also was another thing that set off the recognition. 

Anyway, I took the Advil and texted him like he had asked me to. He got to my house about twenty minutes later and we just spent the afternoon watching reruns of old television shows. That was until he informed me that we now had to return back to the world and focus on everything that is happening around us, meaning we had to leave my house. Which I didn't want to do, but hey- apparently I don't get a say in the matter. 

Which leads us to right now, and the reason why I am sitting beside Stiles in front of his dad's desk at the Police Station- having dinner with the both of them. Stiles had informed me earlier that he wasn't letting me out of his sight for a few days, which I didn't mind- he is lovely company. Sheriff Stilinski was a bit put off at the fact that I was here at first, but something clicked in his mind the second that Stiles looked at me when we sat down, and he couldn't stop smiling... so I guess that's a good thing. 

"Here ya go," Stiles said as he fished his dad's food out of the bag from the little Veggie Hut down the street. I have no idea why Stiles wanted to get dinner from there, but he had his mind set on it so I didn't argue. 

His dad peeled back the wrapper from the burger and took a huge bite out of it, as soon as his taste buds picked up on the fact that it wasn't his usual greasy and sloppy burger, disgust washed over his face, and he pulled the sandwich back in repulsion. "Oh what the hell is this?" He asked through a mouthful of food.

"Veggie burger." Stiles sang as he handed me my salad, I had ordered the same thing he did- that way the order wasn't too complicated. I can't be the only one who hates listening to Stiles ramble to someone at the drive-thru because he loses track of the order in a mere four seconds. 

Sheriff Stilinski sighed, "Stiles, I asked for a hamburger."

I smiled, "Well on the bright side Veggie is healthier."

"We're being healthy." My boyfriend nodded as he held his little salad up to show his dad that he too had gotten a healthy alternative. Although I'm willing to bet money he would trade that salad for a burger and side of his beloved curly fries in half a second flat. 

His dad sighed and opened what would normally be his fries, to reveal celery sticks and carrots, "Oh, hell, why are you two trying to ruin my life?" He groaned as he rolled his eyes at the 'fries'.

"I'm trying to extend your life, okay? Could you just eat it? Please? And tell us what you found," Stiles replied as he took a sip of his drink through his straw. 

He is trying to prolong his father's life by making him eat Veggie Hut for dinner? That doesn't make a lick of sense to me. I've known Stiles and his father pretty much my entire life, but not once in all of that time have I ever seen Stiles force his dad to eat something healthier so he will live longer. I guess all of the death happening in Beacon Hills lately is having a bigger affect on Stiles than he was letting people believe...

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