Chapter 28. Derek, the third wheeler.

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You owe me. You so freaking owe me!, I angrily typed the text to my brother as I was sitting in yet another one of Harris' detentions. When Stiles and I agreed to be the two that would stay after, Harris smirked to himself- obviously that was exactly what he wanted. I'm really not a bad student, Stiles just happens to get me in trouble more often than not..

Currently I was sitting at the desk that I had yesterday with my head in my hands, trying to keep myself from falling asleep. Harris stood from his desk and walked over to me, "Give me your cell phone Miss McCall." 

"Are you being serious?" I dead-panned, he can't just take my cell phone. It's not like I'm really using it anyway, I just sent one measly little text message. 

He rose an eyebrow and I huffed in annoyance as I handed it to him, he then walked over to Stiles and collected his phone as well. Scott is now on my shit list. I don't have the patience to sit in detention with Harris- he seems to have a lot of work on his desk that needs graded- and something tells me that Stiles and I won't be leaving until all of that is done. And that is going to take hours to go through.

I laid my head down on the table and glanced at Stiles, he was looking at me with a sad smile on his face. "Headache?" He mouthed to me. 

"No, Harris ache.'' I mouthed back, he bit down on his bottom lip to suppress a laugh and glanced back at the clock. It was already an hour into the detention, and I felt like I was about to die. I really, really don't want to sit in here. 

As the detention dwindled on, I noticed the setting outside. He was literally keeping us all day, which I find rather ironic since I didn't even do anything to be here in the first place. Eventually though, after it was dark outside and was way past the time allowed for students to be on campus, the demon released us and we were free to go. I made sure to stick my tongue out at him as I snatched my phone up and stomped into the hallway. 

The things I do for my brother, I swear. 

Stiles and I made our way out into the parking lot- but before we could get to his jeep my phone started ringing, I glanced at the caller i.d. to see that it was Allison that was gracing me with the opportunity to hear her voice. Great, I guess that talk with Stiles will be getting pushed back once again. 


She sighed in relief, "Why haven't you been answering? I've been calling you for the past hour."

"Oh, sorry. Harris literally just let us out of detention. Literally. And he had both of our phones the entire freaking time." I replied in annoyance, just talking about Harris is bringing back all of that hatred. 

"Well we need to do something right now. They were asking me all of these questions about Lydia and you, and how you two were bit by Peter- and then they sent this guy out." Allison replied quickly, her voice taking a frantic tone. 

I gulped, "They were asking about me?"

"Yeah, and then they sent that guy." She repeated. 

My head was spinning at the moment, the Argents know that I was bitten- and they also know that I'm not a werewolf. Well that certainly can't be good, like at all... "Wait- guy? What guy?" I asked quickly. 

"Um, he was dressed as a Sheriff's deputy," Allison answered. 

I glanced at Stiles before letting out a sigh, "They're sending him to the station for Isaac. That's not good, this is so not good." 

Allison sighed, "He was also carrying a box with something on it, like, um, like a carving or something."

I rose an eyebrow curiously, "What was it? I mean, what did the carving look like?"

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