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After a lot of crying (which was mom practically sobbing and Derek slipped a few tears.) We were finally on our way home.

To say that the car ride was awkward was the biggest underestimation of the year. Mom still had tears flowing from her eyes. And I was staring at the side mirror in wonder. Damn, I did look pale, and my cheeks are now hollow and my cheekbones are more prominent. How did I not notice that? I could've found out more earlier.

Look what you have done, Alexa, now you are gonna die and your parents will be depressed, good job! Dumbhead.

I sigh loudly at that thought as mom parks in the driveway. The moment the car stops, I unbuckle my seat belt and I rush to the house and into my room, I need to call someone. I fetch my phone and look through my contacts till I find Zoë's name. Zoë Ray, a girl with light brown mid-back length hair and bright blue eyes, also known as my best friend since childhood. To be honest, Derek and her are my only friends. I ring her and she answers on the second ring.

"Whaddup?!" She says so loud I have to move the phone away from my ear. Just thinking that after 6 weeks I may not see her brings tears to my eyes.

"Hi." I say; my voice sounds strained a bit.

"What's wrong?" She asks worriedly. Tears start falling freely from my eyes.

"I'll be at your house in 15." she says quickly and hangs up.

10 minutes or so later, I hear a knock on my door. Zoë went in with a McDonald's bag in her hand and smiling an assuring at me. I return it in a sad smile as she sits on the edge on the bed. I sigh as she opens the bag and starts to put the food on the bed.

"Z?" I say. She looks at me as she opens her chicken salad and starts eating.

"What?" She asks.

"Z, I have had something happening with my life that I haven't told you about." I say in a whisper.

"YOU'VE GOT A BOYFRIEND AND YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME?!" She says and I laugh a bit as she joins me. I shake my head and take a deep breath in.

"I've been having headaches, always feeling tired no matter how much I slept, I would wake up in the middle of the night sweating like a pig, I've lost 15 pounds in only 2 weeks, my appetite is long gone now, and I have red big dots on my shoulders and stomach and thighs." I say in one breath, Zoë puts down her chicken salad and looks at me intently. I sigh and complete the story, tears brimming in my eyes as I push a strand of hair out of my face.

"I went to Derek," I look down as she sucks in a deep breath, I know she is now awaiting for worse case scenario. "He said that I... that I," I stop as my voice gets strained as a few tears slip out of my eyes.

"What did he say, Lexi?" She says as she changes her spot where she is now patting my back beside me.

"He said, that I-I have stage fo-four L-Leukemia." I say as the tears fall freely now and I sob. Zoë gasps and she stands up, pacing in front of my bed. I look up at her as she cries while pacing.

"No, no, no, no, no, this can't be happening. No! You, you can't die, Lexi, you just can't." She says as she sits beside me and hugs me tightly. I hug her back, squeezing the life out of her.

"I am so sorry." I say in a whisper. She pulls away and looks at me with a confused expression covering her bloodshot eyes.

"It is not your fault, Lexi, it'll never be your fault. Don't say that." She says as she pats my shoulder.

"Let's do something now, let's just, forget that we live on earth. Let's watch Teen Wolf." She says as she wipes her tears, I chuckle and wipe my eyes as well as I nod. She takes my lap top from under my bed and opens it, searching for Netflix.

And with that, we sat for 2 hours, laughing our asses off from Stiles Stilinski.

"Oh my, God, that was so funny." Zoë says. I nod as I continue laughing. Zoë pauses the show and turns to me.

"So, how much do you have left?" She asks. Really Zoë? I was dreading that question.

"6." I say.


"Weeks." She purses her lips as a few tears slip from her eyes again.

"Well, what will you do in those weeks?" She says. I simply just shrug and shake my head.

"I guess I'll sleep." I say, chuckling. She shakes her head as her phone rings. She takes it out of her back pocket and answers.

"Yup, mom?" She says.

"Yes, I am with her now." Her mom says a few words before Zoë turns to me.

"Mom says hello, Lexi." I tell her to return it as she completes talking.

"Mom! It is still 2 in the afternoon!" She whines.

"Fine, mom! I am heading over now!" She says.

"Okay, bye." She hangs up and looks at me.

"Well, mom is downstairs, so, I have to go." She says with a sad smile. I smile back and she looks at me sadly.

"Please, tell me you'll at least give me your savings." She says. I laugh wholeheartedly at her words as I nod.

"Consider it done." I say. She leans on the bed and hugs me tightly. As she pulls away, she smiles and heads to the door.

"Love you, Lexi!" She says as she closes the door.

"Love you, too!" I yell as she leaves. I lay back on the bed as I start to think.

God, what the hell shall I do in those 6 weeks?

And with that thought, I fall to sleep.

Deel, deep sleep.

Alexa. (#1)Where stories live. Discover now