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Picture of Alexa's new highlights

After calming Zach down, which gave me another headache, he left with a tear-stained face. He looked terrible and I felt even more terrible for knowing that I was the cause of that. I sigh as I lay on my bed, it was already 8 pm or something, and I have decided to watch a How To Get Away With Murderer marathon on Netflix, I love that T.V show! After the 6th episode, I hear a bing coming from my phone. I reach over and look at it, it was a text from Zach. I open it, holding my breath.

'I talked to Zoë, she started crying and I cried as well, please don't be sad from me for when I left you at Middle School, I know that broke your heart a bit, I was stupid, I know, but please don't be sad, I'll try to be with Noah at every time you two go out in case anything happened, just, please, don't be sad anymore. Zoë is saying Hi by the way, and she said she'll kick your thin butt the next time she sees you because you didn't tell her about what happened today. Her words not mine. See you soon, Lex, you're amazing, never forget that.'

I laugh a bit as I read it, but then I groan, why did I have to have friends? I could have gone, minimizing my casualties, but no, I had to have Derek, Zoë, and now, Zach. Of course, I am grateful for having them, but I don't want them to get hurt.

I groan as I set my head on the pillow as the headache hits me full force, I am tired of this. I take my phone and dial Derek.

"Hello?" He answers groggily, as if he was sleeping.

"Hey Derek." I say.

"Lex? What's up?" He says, his voice sobering up a bit.

"Look, I have this headache and I have already taken the painkillers but they haven't done anything except the first hour or two or so. So, what do I do?" I say. He sighs.

"Try getting some sleep, I am sure you're pretty tired." He says.

"Okay, and Derek?" He hums in response.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"For what?" He says confusingly.

"A: for waking you up for particularly nothing. And B: for what I am about to do to you and Zoë and Mom, you're about to get hurt and I absolutely can't do anything about it." I say.

"Lex, hey, don't beat yourself up for it, it's okay, and you of all people should know what it's like to live with pain. It's out of any our controls, we can't control this, we'll be okay." He says.

"Define okay." I order.

"We'll live." He says again. I sigh.

"You need anything else?" I say. He chuckles.

"You're the one who called me." He says laughing, I chuckle.

"Okay, I gotta go, bye." I say, he returns the goodbye and hangs up. I shut my laptop and sink underneath the fluffy covers, enjoying the warmth of it. And then I drift into deep slumber, killing my headache.


"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" I hear a voice yell. I scream and open my eyes, seeing Zoë and Zach standing at the door way. I glare at both of them then lay down on the bed again, ignoring them.

"Lex! I said wake up!" Zoë screams yet again.

"Z, for the love of God, it's still morning, let me sleep." I whine.

"Lex, it's 12 in the afternoon, you overslept." Zach says laughing. I groan and sit up, glaring at them.

"No offense, but why are you two here?" I say.

"We are going to dye your hair." Zoë says.

"What?!" I scream.

"Look, remember last year, when you wanted to do dip-dye your hair Lavender Ombre but your mom said no?" She says, I nod warily.

"Well, I talked to her, she said yes, and we are dip-dying your hair Lavender Ombre." She says, holding up the bag that contains the highlights.

"But-" I start but Zach cuts me off.

"No buts or ifs or so's or whatever, come on, I am dying my hair grey and you are dip-dying your hair Lavender, let's go." He says, walking to my bathroom. I laugh and go with them, in my PJ's which consisted of a loose tank top with a spaghetti strap back and a cotton hot short. We go into the bathroom as Zoë brings up my green Beats Pill and connects her phone with it. I start to take out the equipment we'll need. My House by Flo Rida starts playing as Zoë starts dancing and Zach dances too. This is just like when we were in Middle School, and we would dance just like that at any of our houses. Zoë starts putting the dye and it's components over each other. Z worked before in a hair salon in the summer because she wanted to go to a concert, so she knows pretty well what she's doing. After doing the dye formula, she comes at me and puts my head under the shower, wetting my hair. She them brings me to the mirror and tells me to stand still as she starts working on my hair. Half way through she tells Zach to wet his hair and to do the formula of the grey one. 5 minutes or so later, she has my hair wrapped in sliver wrap and I was holding the hair dryer against them. She starts working at Zach's hair, having tp stand on the toilet to reach the top which I laugh at.

Before long, my and Zach were sitting there, holding hair dryers to our hair, my arm was starting to hurt but I didn't mind. Songs came up and up and we started singing. Zach always had the voice while me and Zoë, eh, not so much. After a while Zoë tells me to leave the hair dryer and she takes me to the sink to take the silver wraps off my hair, she them washes my hair and tells me to close my eyes as she works with the hair dryer on it. 5 minutes or so later, she tells me to open my eyes. I open them and gasp. My hair was dried up, the last 10 or so inches were colored. The beginning was my blonde hair combining with the purple so it was a bit purple-rose but then it darkens till it becomes the color of pure Lavender at the ends. To say it was amazing, would be the underestimation of the year. It was absolutely beautiful. I turn around and hug her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I say as she laughs and hugs me back gently. Now was Zach's turn and she does the same with him. All too soon, Zach was standing with his hair in a light gray color which suited his sea blue eyes perfectly.

"Oh my, God, I love it Z! You're awesome!" He says as he pulls her into a hug. She laughs again and then takes my phone.

"Let's take a selfie!" She says. I nod smilibg brightly. She hold up the phone as Zach comes and rests his arm over my shoulders yet again and Z takes the picture. She sends it over to her and Zach and then hands me my phone back. We clean up the bathroom afterwards.

"Well, I guess my job here is done, right?" She says. I shake my head.

"Let's watch a movie, shall we?" I say. They both nod and I open my laptop, opening Netflix yet again. I choose a movie and we start watching. I look at bothe of my friends who were laying beside me on my bed and sigh. How am I going to leave you guys? Just after we talked again to each other. I sigh but look at the screen as we all laugh.

This was definitely, a moment.

And I am definitely embracing it.

Alexa. (#1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora