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I feel so damn warm.

That's all what I could think of when I woke up. I was sleeping on something so small and uncomfortable and I could feel a pillow under my head as well as a warm, fuzzy blanket wrapped around me. Making it even warmer than it already is. I quietly groan as I open my eyes, seeing an off-white coloured ceiling above me.

Where the hell am I?

I sit up really slowly, feeling the blanket fall off my shoulders. I was expecting a wave of cold air to hit me but instead I feel nothing, looking down to my chest, I see a huge bandage of cotton plastered to my chest. I look around the unfamiliar room and my body tenses, was I kidnapped? As I look to my right I see Alexa and then everything hits me. The memories of the fight and the other fight and all the night, then how I ended up coming here in the middle of the night and then; it goes blank. I remember that I saw her with blurred eyes then my vision went black.

I had to come to the person I had a crush on, huh?

I sigh as I feel something covering my forehead and abdomen and knuckles. My knuckles had now-not-so-frozen peas' bags on them as well as my abdomen except those had a towel beneath them. And my face had a now-dry cloth on it. My body was also clear of any dirt and blood I had on and my bruises were fairly much better, being a light purple color now other than the purple-black ones I always have after returning from nights like this one. I stare at them before gazing back at Alexa, who had her arms around her chest, hugging herself as she slept on a chair. I get up and head over to her, when I reach her, she stirs up a bit, as if she was sensing me beside her. I glance at the clock hanged up and see it was already 2 pm. Wow, we really did sleep in, since I came here around 11 last night and then passed out.

I sigh as I bend down and put my arm under her armpits and another under her knees, scooping her up in a 'bridal' style. I lift her up and her head falls on my shoulder. I suddenly realize that she was really light in my arms, she felt like a feather. Oh, no, was she one of those girls who were obsessed over their weight? I sigh again as I turn to leave the room, determined to know where her room was. I get out of the room and take a look around, seeing a kitchen ahead of me as well as the hallway that leads from the front door to the cross path between the kitchen and living room, I look to my left and see another hallway that leads which I guess is a bathroom and a guest room and beside the hallway a set of stairs. I start climbing the stairs slowly, careful not to hit Alexa in the head. 5 steps left and I feel Alexa shivering slightly in my arms, I furrow my eyebrows as i reach the top floor; is she cold or something? Like, it's really warm in here, how can she be cold? I take a look at her clothes and see she was already wearing thick, purple sweatpants along with an Adidas hoodie; and she's still cold? I shrug it off as I walk into the hallway, seeing an off-white door opened and a baby-blue colored room came to my sight. There was a lot of posters hanged around on the walls and a huge bookshelf inside; this has got to be Alexa's room. I enter there and put Alexa on her bed. I was setting her down when my hand brushed her forehead and I frown before putting my hand over her forehead and my frown deepens. She is burning up. I frown again as I cover her up with her blanket tightly before looking at her face; it had a thin layer of cold sweat covering it and that worried me. I hurry out of her room back downstairs and start searching for a phone I could use, since I left mine at my house yesterday before the fights.

Finally I find her cellphone and open it, and what I saw surprised me. Her background photo was the photo we took that day at the cliff, we both looked like complete idiots back then that only the memory of it brought a smile onto my face. I open the phone and diall the first number I see I'm front of me that I know. Zach. He answers at the 2nd ring.

Alexa. (#1)Where stories live. Discover now