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"What am I gonna wear? God damn it!" I say as I move around the room with my IV stand. Mom got me clothes from my room but none of them were fit for a fancy dinner. I was having the next dosage of the meds but it made me too weak this time. Every five minutes I would try to get up and move but then sit down; just like I am doing right now. Noah was coming over to pick me up in 2 hours from the hospital and I only showered. I was about to cry from frustration but a someone knocks on the door, Mom opens the door and comes in along with Z as they hold up a black bag.

"Hey, sweetie." Mom says as she hugs me gently.

"Mom, I am gonna go in a hospital gown. I know." I whine as I put my head in my hands. Z and mom share a secretive look. "What?" I add.

"Remember when we had this winter dance in school?" Z says. "And I was asked by one of the boys at our school. I dragged you dress shopping and you liked this one dress?" she adds. I narrow my eyes suspiciously.

"Yeah, I know it." I say. How can I forget it?

"Well," Mom says as she opens the bag, revealing my dream dress. "Happy birthday, honey." She says. My eyes fill with tears as I jump up and hug her, making my chest hurt a bit.

"Thank you so much!" I squeal as I take a look at the dress. It was a simple body-rose colored dress. It reached the ground and was totally backless from the waistline and was held up with straps. I don't know why but I always loved it. When I saw it, I almost swore it was gonna be my prom dress. But back then I was a junior so it was a big dream for me.

I grab the dress happily and skipped to the bathroom, I get out of my irritating hospital gown and get in the dress, careful not to let it near my IV. Once I am in it, I gasp at my look, it fit perfectly. I tighten the straps over my neck and in the middle of my back before smiling and going out. Mom gasps when she sees me and smiles as her eyes fill in with tears.

"You'd have been the most amazing prom queen ever." She says as a tear falls from her face. I rush over to her and hug her tightly as Z makes me sit on a chair and starts drying it with a blow dryer. After 30 minutes of tugging she finally has my hair in soft curls cascading down my back. She stands in front of me and puts some make up on me and then finally she puts a flower crown over my head and smiles.

"All done." She says as she smiles. I look at myself and smile the natural look I have.

"Thank you." I say with a small smile. A nurse comes in and smiles at me before taking the IV out of my arm. I put on my grey sandals as Z hands me a grey bag as well.

"Wow." I hear someone say as they get in. I turn around suddenly as I see Noah standing there; wearing a black suit and a white shirt with a black tie and shiny shoes, his hair was styled as well in the messy yet elegant type of way.

The bad boy wore a suit. For me.

"Y-you look amazing, Alexa." He says as he stands there, gaping at me. I blush slightly as I walk towards him.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I say as I smile at him. He smiles as well before nodding to mom and Z. He grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers together.

"Let's go." He says with an excited glint in his eyes. I smile as we both start walking towards the exit. We get out of the hospital and walk to the car- which was his mother's- I was already panting for breath when we reached it.

"You okay?" he says, worry lacing his voice.

"Yeah, yeah, I am fine." I say as I get in the car and try to regulate my breath. He gets in as well and starts driving towards the unknown restaurant.

Alexa. (#1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora