Step 5: Partnered Projects

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I sat in my desk in history.


Silence Selena.
He deserves the silent treatment.

Okay I'm dying. It's been the first five minutes in class and he hasn't said a word let alone to me.

Twenty five minutes. It's been twenty five minutes without a word from him.

Screw the silent treatment!

Was he stalking Scar and I's texts?! He stole my idea the jerk face!

He sighed.

"What time is it?" He asked.

So you cracked too eh?

"Twenty five till." I sighed back.

"Oh my god." He groaned.

"I know." I nodded.

"I hate school."

"Me too." I agreed.

"Hey don't you wanna be a writer?" He looked at me.

Dear god. Brown eyes. Brown eyes I swear I'll memorize one day.

Wait, he remembered that?

I mentioned it at the beginning of the year last year that I wanted to be a writer.

Holy shit he remembers that?!

"Yeah." I nodded slightly.

"Well doesn't that mean you should like school?" He smiled slightly at me.

"Not really." I bit my lip, on the verge of a smile.

"Oh well true." He chuckled slightly.

The rest of the hour was filled with every now and then comments.

But I can't even imagine that.
How the hell did he remember that I wanted to be a writer?

The, Tell-Kevin-About-The-Stories-I've-Written-About-Him, chart just rose 15%.

Math. I thought after our sweet moment in first hour that we'd be cheesy friends again..........No.

"Oh my God." Kevin groaned, sitting down.

I raised an eyebrow.

"She's freaking out saying that a skull is the sign of the devil." He shook his head.

He pulled out a pink sharpie.

"Let's see how she likes this."

He drew hearts around the skull.

That is the worst heart I've ever seen a boy draw in my life.

"Huh?" He looked at me.

Shit did I say that out loud?

"Nothing." I shook my head.

"Let's see how she likes this."

"Look! Ms. Davis!" He showed her the skull with hearts around it.

"Get it away."

"No it's not a sign of the devil." He shook his head.

"Well a skull isn't exactly a sign of life or God."

He sign and sat down.

"I go to church and believe in God and stuff like this isn't a sign of the devil. It's a skull that's made out of a golf ball." He rolled his eyes.

This teacher is so religious. I mean I'm like Kevin I believe and whatnot but she's a bit crazy.

"Everyone name your folders." Ms. Davis handed everyone a folder.

"Guys! Lets call ours Steelers!" Kevin said excitedly.

"I don't care." Heather and Ivy said.

"Great! You like the Steelers and you guys don't care so we're the Steelers." Kevin pointed to me and smiled.

Steelers bitch. xD

"Okay! We're going to start our labs. Lab one is area. Lab two is counting. Lab three is signatures. Go."

After perimeters of 36 and every bean being multiplied by 3-and Kevin breaking one- , we were on signatures.

"Alright who's doing it?" Ivy asked.

"I will." I sat up.

I had to write Selena 2,4,7, & 10 times.

Kevin was timing me.

"Look at this lock screen." Kevin smiled, shoving his phone in my face.

"Very nice." I nodded.

"But I hit that from [Far Away Golf Term Inserted Here]!"

"Congrads I'm proud." I shooed him away.

It was a picture of a golf ball only a slight breeze away from going in.

"Dude I was so pissed." He shook his head.

"I bet you were. Okay ready?" I looked up at him.

It was kinda cute he fangirled over golf like I do my writing or One Direction.

"Okay girl go." Kevin started the timer. I reached over and stopped it.

"When I say go." I told him.

"Go!" I said quickly.

"Okay so I have to do ten now? Heather can you watch cuz I can't keep track." I asked.

She nodded.

"Okay! Go!"

I quickly scribbled down my name repeatedly.

"Kevin stop tapping." I said, still trying to write.

He was tapping his fingers on the desk.
He stopped before starting again.

"Seriously it's making me nervous stop."

He did it faster.

"Kevin! Oh my god stop it like am I done?"

"Time!" Heather called.

"Twenty seven point three."

"You're a jerk! That was making me nervous." I snapped, though I was laughing.

He smiled widely.

"You were slow." He commented on my time.

"Oh like you could've done it any faster." I challenged.

He grabbed the pen.

"Time me."

I grabbed his phone.


"Go." I said.

He did it once before giving up.

"You didn't even spell your own name right." I laughed.

He spelled Brooks, Broke- and left that unfinished.

I laughed.

He grabbed the paper.

"That handwriting is way better."

"What?! No it's not!" I yelled at him.

"Yeah it is like look at it." He flipped to show Dave's.

"Not even! Mine looks so much prettier and looks like a signature!" I protested.

"That's what I said."

"No you said Dave's was better."

"No I said that yours is way better than Dave's."

"Oh...well it didn't sound like it." I huffed.

"Well I said it." He nodded.

So he liked my handwriting...noted.

"Back to your seats!" Ms. Davis told us.

We went back to sit down. Oh thank god 3 minutes left.

"Give your books to one person." She told us.

Kevin reached over to grab my book but I handed it to Heather.

Oh um...oops?


'What is the New Mexico state motto? Explain.'

I hate history. US history is so lame. What's the point?

Because a random dude will come up and be like, "What's the motto for New Mexico?"

Kevin was quiet beside me, which was a tad abnormal.

I wrote my answer and sat back, waiting for class to start.

My mind wasn't here today.

In little words, I just had a family tragedy.

"Hey we write the question?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded, and started drawing a tree on my notebook.

"Hey what's the answer?" He looked at me.

This guy took being a blonde too seriously.

"Seriously?" I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Yeah like just tell me the answer." He snapped.

I rolled my eyes. I'm not in the mood for attitude.

"Is it like Land of Enchantment?"

I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"That's the state nickname. The state motto is 'it grows as it goes'."

"Oh thanks." He said, jotting it down.

I didn't respond.

"Okay go ahead and move around for your project."

Kevin moved by Dylan, leaving me alone.

"Can I use your brown?" I asked him.

I didn't have a brown colored pencil.

"No." He said, wide eyes.

"No really I'm not in the mood so if you could just-"

"No." He shook his head.

"Kevin please-"

He shook his head.

I grabbed it from his box and went to sit down.

After I used it I threw it at him.

He looked at me, brown eyes looking straight through me.

Yeah screw you.

Crap I needed a yellow.

Instead of like last time, I reached to grab it.

He lifted his face up as I stuck my arm in between his face and his arm, resting on the desk.

"Thank, you!" I said as I took the pencil.

"Clean up." Ms. A said.

I got up to put a few colored pencils away.

"What's with all the girls here being short?" The new kid, Adan (or Aiden whichever you wanna call him) said.

In the same breath Tana said, "What's with you and being tall?"
While I opted for a, "Gee thanks."

"There must be something in that Mora water boy cuz you're brave." Soph said.

I used to hate Soph but she's actually a pretty legit girl.
Funny, badass, butt-slapping crazy girl.

Well that's a nice first hour...


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