Step 36: Mind Over Matter.

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You know when someone has a car freshman year and you all want to pile into a small truck and go to McDonalds?

Well that happened and Tana wouldn't drive. That was Bella's idea.

So due to that, I'm currently sitting with Jake, Bella, and Ivy eating lunch.

It physically pains me to sit with such a clashed group.

Bella is one of those people who acts different around certain people. i.e popular people.

So right now I'm the outcast scrolling down instagram, eating pizza.

I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, yet again with this family, but I couldn't help it.

"So you stalk Dylan's snapchat?" I asked Ivy.

"Yeah! I have to!"

Dear God.

Need I say that I've been on Dylan's best friends multiple times this year alone!

Just don't show fear.

"Why won't he text me back?! He was texting someone all hour but it sure wasn't me!"

Calm down blondie you'll break a nail stalking Dylan.

Seriously if you don't trust him why are you even talking to him dumbass? That's why I liked the flirting with Dylan.I would have liked to date him but get real, Dylan's a player.

"He's on snapchat!" Ivy gasped.

BITCH! Calm down!

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because when it's showing their number, they're online."

What the f*ck does that even mean?

"Isn't he like talking to Ally?" Jake said.

Jake I could kill you!

"What?" "Yeah I thought they were talking." I nodded.

"What?! Who told you that?!"

I tried multiple times to change the subject but Ivy refused.

"Selena! Who told you that?"

"A bunch of people!"

Finally she started bugging Jake while checking twitter.

"Look! She made a tweet! And he's the only one who favorited it!" Ivy shoved her phone in my face.

"I like fighting with you." with a smirk emoji it read. One favorite.

"That means that they text and fight and she likes it when they fight so he does it more to her!" Ivy spoke quickly.

Wow,,, entrance to the First 48 much?

* * *

Just thought I'd put this out there, I checked Dylan's best friends in the next hour.

I was number 2 on Dylan's best friend list.

I cannot believe Ivy didn't mention anything! She didn't say that there was some random girl on his best friends. She didn't say it was me. She didn't say anything.

Either 1) she didn't care.

or 2) she knew it was me and didn't say anything.

Wow if it was #2 it would be so horrible!

Entertaining, but horrible.

BTW I'm on dylans snap best friends so lucky to dodge that bullet

Enemies with Benefits: Freshman in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now