Step 9: Vague Date Suggestions and Broken Promises

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I walked into class and started working on the project we never finished yesterday.

As soon as Kevin walked in, he started singing.

I rubbed my temples.

"Stop." I groaned.

His singing was cute to an extent. right now his extend was really freaking annoying.

Plus I didn't feel good.

All I wanted to do was be in my pajamas and watch chick flicks all day until I stopped getting sick.

Yup. that's my method of being cured. Sue me.

Ms. A walked over to us.

"You two are not leaving until all your paper is picked up. yesterday there was a mess!"

I gaped.

"It wasn't me!"

"Well you're a pair so you'll be charges together."

I looked at Kevin.

"No Ms, it was me. not her I swear. Make me stay behind just- Selena had nothing to do with it." he nodded.

That was sweet.

"Fine. he saved you." she said, walking off.

I didn't thank him, but I should have.

I think I've gone numb to his singing.

It's been twenty five minutes and I now hear nothing.

"Lets put on some jams Ms!" Dylan piped up.

Alina and Jayla took over the computer with all Adam Levine songs.

I didn't mind until the brown-eyed idiot over here started singing.

"Shine bright like a diamond." Kevin sang annoyingly.

Is it possible to cut your ears off?

I was opting for that over this.

"-beautiful scene I chose to be happy-"

"Stop!" I begged.

"Shine bright! Tonight!"

I groaned.

"Stop like seriously I hate that song just stop!" I groaned.

He sang louder.

"Stop!!!" I yelled.

I was pissed beyond the point of a PMS-ing girl.

He stopped.

"Lets go crazy crazy crazy-" he burst out laughing.

I couldn't help but join.

"I doubt you know the whole song." I laughed, hoping he'd finish.

He never did.

"Oh yeah done cutting!" he cheered and started dancing...or grinding.

I gulped.

Okay um books...books work as a distraction.

I finished my project and turned it in.

"Selena please help me. he begged.

"I have to study." I bit my lip.

"We'll study together! After you help me...?" he said suggestively.

I debated.

"Please? I'll stop singing."


I rolled my eyes and picked up a glue stick, helping him.

"So..." He looked at me.

"You don't at sports? or cheer?"

I shook my head.

"So like what do you just go home and read?"

Labeling me as a nerd much?

"And write." I piped up.

About you. I write about you. About us. About this talk later...

"Oh right!"

"What music do you like? besides One Direction?" He asked.

Is it me Kevin Brooks taking an interest in me?

"I like"

"I kinda like all music."

"Even rap?" I scrunched up my nose.

"Well not all. not all that dumb shit."

So basically Eminem. he was cool.

" don't know how to play golf?"


"I could teach you."

I looked down, smiling.

"I'd rather write." I shrugged.

"Well...I could take you to the golf course with me and you can write about that." he chuckled.

Is he trying to get me to go to the golf course with him?

"I don't write informative. I write fantasy type. and a bit of non-fiction." I mumbled.

This book is non-fiction.

"Well you can write a golf book then I'd read it. Golf books are all I read if you haven't noticed."

I've noticed.

"Yeah I read them a lot."

Oh did I sat that out loud? oh well.

"I used to know how to play golf." I commented.

"See why does everyone say that? Everyone knew how to play but they don't anymore. what's with that?" he asked.

"Not sure. I got busy. I don't even at my guitar anymore." I admitted.

I never admit that aloud.

But I just admitted it to him and thousands of fans so what the hell.

I hate not being able to play my baby. My guitar is everything to me.

Kevin and I looked over his map.

"Fix this." we both said.

We tangled fingers as we both tried to fix it.

My hands over his or his fingers pushing playfully at mine.

"You really do suck at cutting." I giggled.

"Yeah. I started before you yet finished after. Im the slowest cutter and gluer."

You can say that again.

"Well it looks fine." I shrugged.

He grabbed it and turned to turn it in before I snatched the paper out of his hand.

"Hey what-!"

I held out a pen.

"Oh yeah. thanks." he said, scribbling his name down, in pencil on dark blue paper may I add.

Blonde moment...literally.

I handed him a pen.

"Thanks." he nodded.

"Clean up!"

I looked at Kevin.

"You lied to me."


"You said we would study together after."

"There's no time."

I looked back at the clock.

"There's ten minutes."

"Oh...Oh well." he shrugged.

Yeah...oh well. It's not the first time he's broken a promise.

Enemies with Benefits: Freshman in TrainingWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu