Step 33: Accidental Boners?

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So I'm not exactly sure what date this was on but I remember most parts well.

I was offered to join Jake and Hondo in a seat in science. You can imagine the shock when Kevin left his original seat with Aiden and sat across from me.

I groaned and ran a hand though my hair. He was already pissing me off that day. Trying to ignore the slight brush of our knees, I listened to the lecture and continued on to find compounds in equations and total masses. I hate science.

We all worked together; well Jake, Hondo, and I did. Kevin just copied what he heard.

Somehow the conversation of why I hate Kevin came up.

"Seriously why do you hate me so much?" I scoffed. He wasn't serious?

"Seriously? You're kidding." He shook his head. "Fine. There's many. One, you're an absolute jerk to me. You think just because other girls think nothing of your jokes doesn't mean I do. Two, you make my birthday misrable! Three,-" He smiled, laughing. "you're face! God like- no you're smile! That little smile you do, God it's like a smirk but it's not and its frustrating!" Okay that last one was purely from my liking of him but it is a reason I hate him.

He ranted on after me about how all this stuff is a misunderstanding.

"No. You don't know how long your words stick with me. You hurt me." It's so weird saying this all loud. I could go on and on.

"Well I know how it feels to be bullied I mean-" He lowered his voice, which he only did when he was serious. "Like in basketball. I get bullied all the time." "It's not the same!" I groaned. He just wasn't getting it.

"No I know that but-" "I can't. I can't talk about this anymore." I mumbled.

Once the class ended I rushed out of there. At least he knew somewhat of what he does.


"Alright class listen up. Let's say, you had a million dollars." Instantly the class erupted in thoughts of what we would do with the money.

One workd for me: Tickets.

Magcon tickets, Concert tickets...

"What responsible thing would you spend your money on? What are your wants? Needs? Write it down."

I made a list of concert tickets, collage, a car, new house, exc.

"Selena would you like to share?" Concert tickets didn't get the best reaction from the audience.

"Collage." I continued down my list.

"Which collage?" She asked. "I don't know." "Pick one." "Um..." "University of Alabama!" Kevin shouted. "Uh University of Oregon." I said.

I didn't want to say Kevin's choice.

Then it dawned on me. Kevin was practically in for a full ride to U of A. I remember him telling me he wanted to go to collage there. What if that's a vague way of saying, "Go to collage with me?" It couldn't be right? I'm crazy right?

* * *

"Yeah he gave you a look." Alle tells me as she takes a bite of her salad. I drop my phone and listen.

"What look?"

"Like I don't know. A 'seriously' look."

Getting incredibly frustrated, I smack the table. "Come on! what type of 'seriously' look?! What did the look say?!"

No one understands the frustration of the guy you like giving you a meaningful (not always good meaningful) look and you missing it! It's almost depriving! Like when your favorite author takes a break or your favorite character get's killed! I.e Allison Argent.

Enemies with Benefits: Freshman in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now