Step 30 Part 2: My Own Point of View

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Previously on Enemies with Benefits: Freshman in Traning:

Which I did an hour later.

While trying not to fall down the stairs, I sent Dylan a snapchat saying, "Hey... you okay?"

He didn't reply for hours. But they had a game about two hours away for basketball.

When he did, it was five hours later.

'just really irritated' he said.

after like five minutes of debating what to say, I said: 'sorry. it was kind of rude of them'

"'im just tired of shit like that. i prolly fail'

I really felt bad for the guy. He failed his book report -which he was destened to anyways- because his ex girlfriend and Bella couldn't stop laughing and being rude.

'im sure you didn't fail. mccomb knew you were pissed when you left.' I told him.

'good' 'thanks for checking on me' I smiled. He was grateful.

'you're welcome it just kinda made me mad...'


I wanted to bang my head on a table. DON'T ASK WHY IT'S BECAUSE IT WAS RUDE OKAY?!

'because it was rude and they didn't care' Good enough.

'Ok. ill snap you when i get home' I almost died. He wants to talk to me when he gets home!


Since It was 11 on a school night, I actually didn't wait for him, I went to bed.

To be continued...


Dylan kept his word.

When I woke up at 2am, don't ask why, I saw he had snapchatted around midnight.

I didn't reply until I got up at 6:30. He said, "Just got in."

Like holy shit what guy messages a girl when he just got in? And even more of a fact that he remembered for two freaking hours of a bus ride! That's insane!

I had sent, "Geez! Did you get in around midnight?" But he never replied. Though I didn't care.

And yes I freaked out about that snapchat all day.

I also subtially asked Bella for her approval.

"So like, if I was talking to one of your close friend's ex's.... would you get mad?" I asked.

"Kinda. Just depends on how close we are." "Super close." I said quickly. Her and Tate were close and I didn't even know why.

"I don't know."

* * *

"Can I see your friend again?" Bella asked as we ate in the library.

I unlocked my ipod and got on snapchat.

"Yeah just go to the list of people and it'll be there under Jay." I told her, walking over to Hondo who had called me.

"Should I do a fancy font or regular?" "Do fancy it makes you stand out."

He agreed.

I walked back to Bella scrolling on my ipod with her mouth hanging wide open.

I snatched it back and realized what she was doing.

She had just saw all the opened and sent snapchats from Dylan.

Holy shit I'm in for it.

"It's not what it looks like!" I said quickly.

Enemies with Benefits: Freshman in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now