Step 26: Sparks Fly

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From this chapter on I promise they will now be in order!! Make sure you read them correctly.


Sarah told me to avoid Kevin. That was easier said than done.


When I walked into class, she told me I sit in the second to last row. I sat next to Makayla. I wasn't the biggest fan of Makayla. It makes it harder that Alina sat behind Makayla and I.

"Who sits next to me?" Alina asked Makayla.


I dropped my pencil. You've got to be kidding me.


That whole day I was in practical pain. Kevin behind me was even more distracting than having him in front of me.

I constantly fidgeted around with my hair and outfit, trying to look busy while inside I was having a panic attack.

He didn't say a word to me. When he passed out folders and handed me mine, he barley gave me a glance.

In a strange way, I felt like he had planned out Sarah's plan before she did.

Stupid idiot stole my plan!

A few times while I was talking to Alle in science, he'd butt in.

"And she said that he was mean but really-" "You're mean Selena." Kevin said randomly, pushing past me.

"There's a word it's called excuse me." I rolled my eyes. Who shoved a stick up his ass?



You know that feeling when you first get a crush and they just look at you and you feel tingles down your spine?

I'm not sure if I have that anymore. This is such a weird year. I mean awesome because of Teen Wolf which was freaking awesome last night! But that's not the point.

The point is, Kevin and I haven't spoken a word to each other since we left back in December. I can't even remember the last time we talked.

I shrugged into the crowd of curious teenagers. We were working with electricity.

Everyone wanted me to go up and static-cling my hair. Which is basically saying you put your hands on this electric ball and it'll make your hair go up like you just rubbed a balloon on it.

I wasn't okay with that.

I ignored other's begging words and stuck to no.

"Come on Selena just do it please?"

I snapped my head up. Those are your first words to me Brooks? Really? No hi, I miss [fighting with] you? Nothing?

Yup. Those were the words he said to me besides yesterday where he seemed like he just literally wanted to hurt me. Why?

But then again, what did I expect? A sudden declaration of love? I wish.

"No." I stated.

"Please." I rolled my eyes and walked from my spot up to the electric ball. "I hate you." there it is. The first 'I hate you' of the year in Team Sevin was done by yours truly, Selena Brians.

I put my hands on the ball and waited for people to laugh at my hair going up.

"It's not working." a girl said from my right.

"It's because of her cornrows." someone snickered, making the whole class laugh, including Kevin. These idiots had no idea they were just braids and my hair was just straight down. Sorry if it has bumps I'm not Jesus.

Enemies with Benefits: Freshman in TrainingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora