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Chapter 18

(Ash POV)

"Hurry up Gabby we're going to be late" I shouted through the window watching her as she closed the door to her house.

"I’m coming I'm coming" She shouted back running to the car I grinned as she shut the door and glared at me I step on the gas and sped to school.

"You know you shouldn't rush me it’s you're fault that we are going to be late" She mumbled I took a quick glance at her to see her frowning with her arms crossed.

"My fault it's your you should have went to bed like I told you last night but no you want to talk on the phone" I told her back pulling into the school parking lot she pushed me into the door as I put the car into park.

"Well your the one who called me" She replied back as we both got out the car and headed for the school we were definitely late today.

"Yea to ask for my shoes which you still haven't given me yet" We turned down the hall arguing towards our first class.

"Well it wasn't my fault that you woke up late," she grumbled at me I turned to her and raised my eyebrow.

"Last time I checked you were the one who wouldn't hang up last night and you woke up late too" I said pushing the door opening to the classroom letting her walk in first the teacher looked at us and asked us why we were late which started are discussion again

“Well you woke up late first” She said I looked at her confused and so did everyone else

“Gabby that didn’t even make sense” I said sitting down glaring at Alex as he watched Gabriel bend down to sit he needs to keep his eyes to himself.

“Yes it does, either way it’s your fault that we’re late” She said back I rolled my eyes.

“No its yours miss Ash I can’t go to sleep can you stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep” I mimicked her voice smirking as she blushed

“I did not say that” she said glaring at me as her face continued to turn red I laughed at her.

“Sure you didn’t you had me up till three in the morning I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t stay on the phone that long for any other reason” she huffed and folded her arms turning to the teacher who looked amused he shook his head and told us not to be late again I chuckled and turned away from her. Last night my brother broke glass in the kitchen and I forgot that Gabrielle still had my slip on shoes so I called her and we talked all night about nothing and everything but I did learn some things about her that I didn’t know before like she always wanted a puppy and that she was a daddies girl even though he wasn’t home often but when he was he spoiled her rotten it was the same for her sister except she was a mommies girl we talked till three because she couldn’t go to sleep personally I think its because of the ice cream she was eating while she was on the phone with me. I turned to her to see her still frowning I poked her on her cheek.

“Stop frowning you’re going to get wrinkles,” I said grinning at her she swatted my hand away and glared at me before sticking her tongue out at me

The bell finally rung and me and Gabriel walked out well Gabriel walked ahead of me while I tried to catch up I laughed once I reached her and swung my arm around her shoulder she looked at my arm then me before scrunching up her face and pushing my arm off I laughed at her and did it again ignoring her look as we made our way to our next class.

Somewhere Only We Know (editing) Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora