Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Beat the last chapter votes please =D 

(Ash POV)

I woke up next to Gabriel smirking since she put this hickey on me its only fair if we had matching ones I grinned and moved her on her back she actually a deep sleeper most of the nights which would make this even easier than it should be I looked at the time I still had an hour before I had to wake her up I quickly went to the bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth and but on my team uniform and the team sweats, I went back to the bed grinning I climb on the bed on top of her while she laid underneath me in her deep sleep I chuckled before I latched onto her neck making sure I left a decent sized mark on her she was moaning quietly underneath me but I knew she wasn’t awake or she would have pushed me away I leaned up and looked at it grinning before looking at her face she was still asleep I laughed and lifted her shirt  over her head slowly not waking her before I started on her chest she was squirming underneath making small noises as she arched into me I chuckled again leaning up as she settled down before I started again leaving small marks all over her before she snapped her eyes open and screeched I covered her mouth with my hand grinning as I came back up to her.
“Sshh you mom is still downstairs” I said she glared at me as I removed my hands.

“What are you doing raping me in my sleep” She said I frowned

“If I was raping you, you sure seemed like you were enjoying it,” I said smirking as her face turned red she pushed me off the bed I groaned rubbing my head she always does this when she’s surprised. She peeked over the bed laughing sheepishly at me.
“Sorry Ash” She said I frowned before I heard a loud knock on the door Gabriel’s eyes went wide she pulled the sheets up on her I hope the marks were hidden. I stood just as the door was opening I looked around and got underneath the bed.
“Gabriel are you okay” I heard a woman’s voice I think it was Gabriel’s mother I saw her feet come towards the bed I held my breath and scooted further back only to see my clothes in a pile by her bed I groaned internally.
“Yeah I’m fine I just fell that’s all” She said quickly I shook my head reaching my hand out and pulling the clothes underneath the bed slowly and quietly as they continued to talk.
“I heard you met a boy at school recently” She said I heard the bed dip in and I saw her feet hanging off the bed god how long is she going to be.
“Yeah um did dad tell you” She asked I could tell she was blushing right now with embarrassment.

“No, actually you’re little sister did she kept going on and on about him and the teddy bear she’s carrying around” She said chuckling while Gabriel groaned.
“I told Ash not to buy her that stupid teddy bear” I heard her mumble her mother laughed slightly again
“And when do you’re parents get to meet this Ash fellow” She asked I was cracking up inside it would be great if I just came from underneath the bed and said hi Gabriel would be horrified.

“Daddy already met him” She said

“What, where was I,” She asked

“I don’t know he came to pick me up for a date a couple weeks ago” Gabriel said I heard her shift on the bed can they finish this conversation god its tight down here I looked around coming across a box I opened it was a whole bunch a pictures of her and other people I’m guess this was here old school friend there was one of her and some guy the guy had his arm wrapped around her shoulder smiling into the camera while she looked bored I shook my head and went to the next one grinning when I came across the picture that I gave her and she told me to throw them away when she kept her copy I went through the rest stopping at one with her a black sting bikini I think she was in the house when she took this photo whoa this is hot I grinned at that and pulled my phone out taking a picture my phone made a little shutter noise my eye grew wide oops.
“Honey did you hear that” He mom asked getting off the bed

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