Chapter 35 Las Vegas

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 if i get 90 or more votes on each chapter including previous ones the second part will go up, if not it will be up when i'm finished by semester at school.

Chapter 35

(Gabriel POV)

Just like I predicted Tuesday came way to fast for me and I’m sleepy. Ash and I had went out shopping on Monday, when she went through my suitcase she told me I didn’t have enough cold weather clothes so I had to shop for them all Monday, Jenna and the others offered to shop with me but I declined there was no way I was going to go shopping with them ever again.

“Come on Gabs everything is in the car” Ash said I was half asleep on the couch as the guys put everyone’s suitcases in the car, I was so excited last night that I couldn’t go to sleep so, I was up half of the night before I fell asleep only to have Ash wake me up about an hour later. I didn’t move from my position I’m too tired to move, the girls were across from in sweats and t-shirts much like me I had on a pair of Ash sweats and one of her T-shirts that she dressed me in this morning, I don’t think any of us cared that we looked a mess as long as we were confortable for this 8 to 9 hour ride. Ash sighed before she picked me up bridal style, good because I really didn’t feel like moving at all I curled up to her and rested my head on her chest drifting into sleep as we walked out side in the dark to the black truck, I could hear the girls talking excitedly behind us.

“Lee I’m cold” I mumbled to her pulling my arms close as I felt goose bumps prick my skin.

“When we get in the car I’ll give you a blanket” She said I nodded as she opened the truck door she climbed to the back and put me down before she reached over the seat and grabbed a blanket for me she got back in her regular position before she pulled me to her I came willingly and laid my head on her shoulder as she covered me. I had just drifted asleep when I heard someone call my name.

“Gabriel you can’t fall asleep yet” Jenna said to me I opened my eyes seeing them all turned around staring at me I just wanted to go to sleep, leave me alone Ash put her arm around my shoulder and I moved further into her.

“Guys leave her alone she didn’t get much sleep last night” Ash said I closed my eyes again hearing the girls groan.
“This is what happens when you leaver her with Ash she was probably fondling her throughout the night that’s why Gabriel so sleepy” Aly said I hid my face in Ash side when I felt it grow hot as Ash groaned.

“All of you shut up and turn around, watch a movie or something,” She said they laughed and did exactly that I heard a movie start to play.

“This is why I wanted the car,” Ash mumbled leaning our seat back to get comfortable.

(Ash POV)

Gabriel has been asleep for almost two hours now, I know she didn’t get much sleep last night because I felt her squirming against me most of the night I think she was way to excited for today the girls in front of me fell asleep after the movie so the car was finally quiet the only noise was the radio and Sean and Matt in the front talking, I looked down at Gabriel smiling she still had the bracelet on, I had two more charms for her that I wanted to give her I just had to wait for the right time. When we reach Las Vegas the first thing I’m doing is taking a cat nap, then, I'm taking Gabriel out they have some nice attractions down there that I want her to see before we go clubbing at night. I told her to get a couple of club outfits because we might go clubbing in New York also after the fire works that I knew she wanted to see, I had packed some sleep medicine for her and I had changed our tickets to first class so she’d be comfortable during the long flight.

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